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When NZ’s version of Dancing With the Stars invited The BFD’s own Cam Slater to participate, he responded that he’d rather “poke pins in my eyes”. As Cam explained to BFD readers, “This network were happy to demonise me for years […] now they expect that I might like to be a caged monkey for their cheap nasty shoddily made brainless ‘entertainment’? Righto.”

“I might have had a stroke, but I’m not retarded.”

Katie Hopkins should have consulted with Cam before agreeing to appear on Australia’s Big Brother VIP.

The agenda was clear: gin up a “controversial” “far right” personality, watch the left lose their minds on Twitter, then find any convenient excuse to dump them – and gobble up as much free publicity as possible.

And that’s exactly what’s happened to Hopkins.

Hopkins was dumped as a member of Seven’s Big Brother program at the weekend after she streamed a video describing Covid-19 lockdowns as “the greatest hoax in human history” and boasting about breaching quarantine rules.

Australian governments have a long history of paternalism when it comes to visitors to our shores. In the 1950s, the conservative government kept out foreign leftists by, among other means, making them sit tests in Gaelic. The left are still complaining about it, today.

In the 21st century, supposedly conservative governments let in any rag-tag leftists, but ban so-called “far-right” figures, from Milo to Tommy Robinson. Hypocritical as always, the left cheer them on. Naturally, the allegedly conservative Morrison government is dutifully clutching its pearls over Katie Hopkins.

Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews labelled Hopkins’s behaviour “shameful” and a “slap in the face” to millions of Aus­tralians in lockdown.

“She’s clearly not someone that we want to keep in this country for a second longer than we have to,” she told ABC News.

“So personally, I’m very pleased she’ll be leaving.”

Karens gotta Karen, I guess.

As Cam rightly divined about Dancing With the Stars, “They just want me to say yes so they can leak it and then cause a public outcry, get me cancelled and thereby promote their silly show”.

The Seven Network confirmed on Sunday the right-wing personality would no longer be in Big Brother VIP, saying the network “strongly condemn her irresponsible and reckless comments in hotel quarantine”.

Hopkins should have been well aware of what the game plan was, from the start.

Divisive British TV personality Katie Hopkins couldn’t resist one last jibe at Australia, as she is deported for flouting the country’s quarantine rules.

Hopkins departed Sydney Airport on Monday afternoon after her visa was cancelled over the breach and as NSW police confirmed the 46-year-old was issued a $1000 fine for not wearing a mask on Sunday – a breach of the state’s public health orders.

But a defiant Hopkins posted a picture of herself in an empty business class cabin on Instagram, claiming: “You may ‘deport’ the Hopkins. But you cannot silence the truth”.

The Australian

Don’t bet on it. They’re certainly doing their level best.

In the meantime, the best strategy is not to play into their manipulations.

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