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If you are going to have a communist society – thought police, everyone scrounging at the local tip to find food, tyranny, possibly the “killing fields” – or what is known as “you’ll own nothing and be happy”, there is the ever so slight matter of requiring a population to subjugate. Back in the Uni common-room debates it was theoretical, but now they’re doing it for real.

Imagine the alarm bells which have been ringing in the Beehive at these rotters, these Kiwis heading across the Tasman. And young people to boot! (anyone would think the brainwashing had kinda failed). Something must be done about it – and quickly.

It is, as I have written before, perfectly acceptable for “Sebastian” and “Prudence” from Remmers to head abroad; they are members of the club. But “Charlene”, “Wayne” and “Rangi” – well that is another matter entirely; who will serve Jacinda and co their coffee and restaurant meals and clean their houses or construct the Kiwibuild house? (Do you see what I did there? Singular? Geddit?).

The propaganda campaign to discourage kiwis from moving overseas has begun.

We can only speculate whether the people in the clip are real (or from Central Casting), or if there really is such a writer. However, the contents of the piece sound like the Socialist party media unit wrote it.

One of the universal traits of socialists, and government agencies, is their complete lack of imagination; they operate in stereotypes so as not to overtax their brains.

(A good example of what I mean is the uncomfortably high number of ‘undercover’ Police officers who end up dead; the criminals having spotted them fairly easily and quickly).

Some aspects of this article which are red flags:

1. The overuse of Our Tea Rower (hint: in “Labour Media Unit” mindset circles they think that’s how people talk).

2. They only mention Auckland and Wellington (hint: in “Labour Media Unit” mindset circles nowhere else matters, sweety darling).

3. They mention buying a house when most 19-year-olds heading to Sydney to live have never even heard of “stamp duty”.

4. They make a joke out of potatoes (hint: “Labour Media Unit” people think that’s what the plebs talk about).

5. They mistakenly mention the highest wages in New Zealand (hint: because they all have such jobs).

6. Phrases like “global comparisons”, “resilient”, and “international conflict” don’t matter to anybody (hint: outside of “Labour Media Unit” circles).

There is just no way this article has the slightest relevance for the average person heading to Australia. 19-year-old “Rangi from Whangarei” would be perfectly happy flatting, working flipping burgers, and hasn’t heard of Ukraine – let alone that there’s a war taking place there – he just wants a job and the bright lights of Sydney.

It is therefore very difficult to believe that it was written by a genuine expat, who has experience of what such folk are interested in – or their motivation for heading abroad in the first place.

It sounds a lot like propaganda. It sounds a lot like “Oh see? It’s bad overseas; better stay here and have nothing whilst being happy. Now here’s your daily bowl of rice ration.” It was unimaginative and embarrassing. So easy to see through.


Voters Send a Double Edged Sword

Voters Send a Double Edged Sword

Luxon’s increasing vitriol smacks of a personal preference taking precedence over the wishes of the majority of centre-right voters.

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