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It’s usually a case of the BODY in the suitcase CONJURING TRICK only this time it was the BALLOTS in the suitcase conjuring trick.

Jackie Pick, a volunteer for Trump’s lawyers, produced a VIDEO of the State Farm Georgia Election counting room in Fulton on the night of the election.

At about 10pm the volunteers including GOP observers and Fox NEWS were told to go home and come back at 8:30 in the morning as vote counting had stopped.

But after they left at about 11pm some nifty conjuring TRICKS took place. From under a table with a black table cloth suitcases of ballots were walked over to the scanning machines and scanned. These were absentee and veteran votes.

Some GOP observers got wind of what was happening, went back and were told about 1am that voting for the night was finished. This contradicted what they had been told and they have made affidavits to this effect.

But prior to this, it gave the scanners a clear few hours without supervision to put about 18,000 ballots through. Typically ballots are not stored under a table covered with a table-cloth separate from other ballots.

In Georgia, 3% of ballots are normally rejected, but this time it was only 0.24%. This can make a big difference to outcomes especially when “Boomerang Biden” is leading by such a thin margin.

Aged care in Georgia is doing well there as 200 seem to live to a really ripe old age and are able to vote.

You would think with a Republican governor in place in Georgia there would have been more action but at least he has uttered the words that the video is “concerning”.

The NAG states, NEVADA, ARIZONA and GEORGIA are getting the Trump team ONCE-OVER.

After a sampling of votes in Arizona errors were found against Trump which will warrant a closer look and bigger sampling which has been allowed.

Nevada has had 1,500 dead voters voting, 40,000 voted twice, and 8,000 ballots registered to non-addresses, to name a few misdemeanors but not all.

The DOJ and FBI should be NAGGING these states, not Sidney Powell and Lin Wood.

Here is a song written by Hoagy Carmichael and Stuart Gorell, “Georgia on my Mind”, about one of these NAG states.

Ah Georgia,
The whole day through,
Just an old sweet song,
Keeps Georgia on my mind.

I said a-Georgia.
A song of you,
Comes as sweet and clear,
As moonlight through the pines.

I said, Georgia, oh, Georgia,
No peace I find,
Just an old sweet song,
Keeps Georgia on my mind.

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