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Hoist by his own petard.

SHAKESPEARE said it best in that line HAMLET spoke in Scene 3, Act 4 in the play of the same name.


A petard.

A PETARD was a bell-shaped incendiary device usually used against a wall or gate to blow it up in Medieval times. In the DEMS’ case, their own incendiary device was Trump’s “FIGHT LIKE HELL” phrase in his speech on January 6th which was supposed to prove Trump was an “INSURRECTIONIST”. Only it didn’t.

To the DEMS’  chargrin, Trump’s attorneys produced tons of videos showing the DEMS had used the exact same language, and this sort of phrase had been common parlance amongst politicians for years. WARREN had used the word “FIGHT” fifty times.
This particular PETARD blew up spectacularly in the DEMS’ faces.

The THREE WITCHES OF EASTWICK,  Pelosi, Waters and Harris have all used inflammatory language. WATERS saying she wanted to “TAKE TRUMP OUT” and HARRIS saying the “RIOTS SHOULD CONTINUE” and to add insult to injury paying rioters’ BAIL.

Several Impeachment Managers seemed to think they were auditioning for the movies, using the “I AM CLOSE TO TEARS APPROACH”. RASKIN topped them off by saying that his daughter who was present on the fateful day, had said to him, “DAD I DONT WANT TO COME BACK TO THE CAPITOL” I imagined she must be six years old. NO she is twenty-four, an adult presumably.

Trump has been pilloried for questioning the election results, but various videos show Pelosi, Clinton and Abraham’s questioning results they were not happy with. It’s okay for them to question but not Trump. The First Amendment seems not to apply to Trump equally. This was a point Trump’s attorneys were keen to bring out.

It was a case of “KEYSTONE COPS” at the Capitol on January 6th. The only ones who didn’t know the rioters were coming seemed to be the Capitol Police. The FBI, the intelligence services and the Washington DC police seemed to know.

In a letter to Pelosi, resigning Capitol Police Chief Sund told her that a special group of protesters had arrived at the Westfront of Capitol Hill armed and immediately started attacking police officers with barriers. They were organised with climbing gear, chemical munitions, explosives and protective gear, and some had ear-pieces. This was 20 minutes before Trump had finished speaking. Sund requested the Sergesnts at Arms to bring in the National Guard, but was refused.

It looked like a PRE-PLANNED event, not a spontaneous one that Trump’s rhetoric could be blamed for.

This whole impeachment trial is to disguise what JOE DICTATOR is up to, and to deflect questions about validity of the 2020 election which are becoming more insistent not less.

As KEVIN SORBO  said on TWITTER about TRUMP: IMPEACHED TWICE, acquitted both times. Guess it’s time for the LEFT to go back to inciting violence.

After being ACQUITTED Trump used the word CHAMPIONS in his speech. Here is a song for his next rally.


I’ve paid my dues
Time after time
I’ve done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I’ve made a few
But I’ve come through
And I need to go on
And on, and on, and on.

We are the Champions my friend
And we’ll keep on FIGHTING to the end
We are the CHAMPIONS
We are the CHAMPIONS
No time for LOSERS
Cause we are the CHAMPIONS of the world.

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