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Photoshopped image credit RantyKiwi. The BFD.

We know “Dementia Joe” Joe Biden can’t read a teleprompter and can’t remember “The thing”.

But what is Jacinda’s excuse for not showing up each week to answer questions on ZB Radio with the Hosk, and also scrubbing Magic Radio, and only wanting scripted questions from Red Radio aka Radio NZ? She is, in the words of that America’s Cup song of 1986, “Sailing Away” from scrutiny. Never mind Rod Stewart’s “Sailing”. We are sunk!

Meme of the day. The BFD. Image credit Rantykiwi

Queen drummer Roger Taylor wrote “Radio Gaga”. The Gaga bit was later adopted as Lady Gaga’s stage name.

I’d sit alone and watch your light
My only friend through teenage nights
And everything I had to know
I learned it on my radio

You had your time, you had the power
You’ve yet to have your finest hour

All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo, radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio, what’s new?
Radio, someone still loves you.

William on the TV One coverage of the America’s Cup had emblazoned on his shirt “We Believe in Crazy” from the Toyota Advert. Yeah right!

During the pre-election debates with Judith Collins, it was obvious “Crusher” knew more and Jacinda was getting through on some platitudes and slogans. I winced over the climate questions as I got the impression she didn’t have a clue. She still doesn’t which is why she won’t front up to the hard questions. Generally, the hard questions require some knowledge to answer and that is where her lack is.

My guess is that she is missing Winston!

Not content with having one of the most liberal abortion laws in the world the government now want to get rid of “free speech” by having censorship zones around abortion clinics.

A bill has been introduced.

“Saint Bloomfield” has been caught out on a couple of “porkies” lately regarding the cricket tickets and before that the Hurricanes ones. As we know they are the sole purveyors of truth.

Snitch in time. Photoshopped image credit Pixy

RT Russian Television last week had us as a country of snitches, telling the world that the snitch hotline to the previous Police commissioner broke because of overloading.

I know Jacinda only said this time to tell your neighbours and friends off if they break lockdown but what if you live next door to the Mongrel Mob or Comancheros? You are hardly going to say anything, are you?

Spitting Image has already portrayed Jacinda as “Mary Poppins” stopping at nothing to prevent the spread of Covid. The BFD did a satirical image as well.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Pixy.

Here is a little ditty of my own called “Snitches Charter”.

If Mary “Pops Out”

When she’s not supposed to be about

Let us “know” when she’s on the go

It’s a team of 5 million after all

It’s your call

Ring Snitches Hotline now

Take a bow

And do the country a favour

We’re all Snitches now

It’s “Supercalifragilistic expialidocious”

Absolutely obnoxious.

Steve Bannon was wondering what had happened to “old Irish Blue Eyes”. Has he been body-snatched? Biden’s eyes appeared black on the Covid broadcast. Is he a clone or the Manchurian candidate?  Either way Rav who was being interviewed on the same program said when he got the notification (at the gym) there were only 3 people watching.

“Commander in Grief”  Biden will be known as the President of people trafficking.

It’s got so bad Psaki won’t answer questions and directs reporters to Homeland Security. Merkel found out to her cost what it is like to have a million refugees on your doorstep. Very expensive and a danger to the incumbents.

“Bidumb” can’t remember his Defense Secretary’s name (Ashley) and refers to him as “that general over there” so is probably not aware that another 10,000 troops have been sent to Iraq, plus six Cold War era B52 bombers have been positioned strategically to help, as reported by the Wall Street Journal.

Poor old Arizona, they just can’t get a break. Remember they were the first of the swing states to be declared for Biden on election night? The ballots that the Arizona Senate has been requesting for months for an investigation have been found shredded.

“Ginge and Winge” (Harry and Meghan) who appeared on Oprah have had their own “defund the police experience” after having their protection cut off by the palace. Now they should have empathy with the people of Portland who are having continuing Antifa riots. They can thank their wokeist friends for that!

The chickens have come home to roost haven’t they?

Come to think of it that’s just what we saw at their mansion, on the Oprah show.

Caged chickens!

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US Round Up: Deadly Negligence and More

US Round Up: Deadly Negligence and More

A majority of agents assigned to Trump’s security detail for the Butler rally were not from the Secret Service; top aide Linda Sun is charged with violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act because she was acting as an agent of the Chinese Communist Party; and more on fascists and the msm.

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