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Kraken King Joe Biden. Image credit The BFD.

While the KING was looking down, the Jester came and STOLE his CROWN.

MAD KING GEORGE the Tyrant that America got rid of in 1776 has been replaced by another tyrant, MAD KING JOE.

Kraken King Joe Biden. Image credit The BFD.

KING GEORGE of BRITAIN and IRELAND died in 1820 exactly 200 years before JOE BIDEN was “elected” the president on November 3, 2020.

BIDEN has already got rid of Trump’s 1776 Commission, to make sure Americans are not reminded of their founding fathers’ real history.

Some of Trump’s Make America Great initiatives have already gone in the trash can, like energy independence, the Wall, Trump’s travel ban, non-recognition of aliens of the earthly kind etc. You would think that with COVID, a wall might be a good thing but NO.

America has rejoined the The Paris Accords, and WHO, the very ones who conspired with China to hush up The Chinese virus.

BIDEN had more flags than people at his CORONATION with a backdrop of 30,000 National Guard. Someone who is supposedly the most voted for president in American history should not need that much security.

January 2021 ‘Popular’ Biden’s inauguration.

A video on Twitter (how did that get there?) showed Many National Guard turning their back on BIDEN’S cavalcade.

National guard troops turning their backs on Biden. This video keeps getting zucked on IG and Facebook.r/Anarcho_Capitalism


But back to how MAD KING JOE was elected in the first place. OAN reporting on evidence in the ongoing court case in NEVADA, YES it’s still going on, said that 40,000 voted twice, 20,000 had no address, and a local radio station said that 10,000 dead people voted.

American votes followed a trail that went through Pakistan, China, Germany, Serbia.

Where they were hacked while voting stopped in swing states, JOVAN PULITZER, inventor of the smart phone payment system, said there was direct access at Counties level which made it harder to detect.

Precincts in Pennsylvania and Georgia, for example, received a 5.555% hack. Plus, according to Pulitzer, around 10,300 dead people voted in Georgia where the win margin for BIDEN was only around 10,000 votes.

Ratcliff who was director of National Intelligence was reported in the “Washington Examiner”  as saying that the CIA brought pressure to bear on him to play down China’s role in American election fraud.

Larry Johnston ex CIA who has frequently appeared on the Internet said it’s not CIA anymore it’s KGB.

BABYLON BEE ( a satirical site) has Biden at his inauguration signing in on the Communist Manifesto, Obama on his Memoirs and Bush on VHS Delta Force.

The Communists had the Capitalists to blame, the Nazis the Jews, the Democrats are now blaming white supremacy, hence the new RACIAL EQUITY, which is a step up from racial equality.

BUCKLE UP BUTTERCUPS it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Riots have already started in Portland, Oregan and Seattle against Biden by leftists.

The song “EVE OF DESTRUCTION” written by P.F.Sloan and made famous by BARRY MCGUIRE puts it this way:

Yeah, my blood’s so mad, feels like it’s coagulatin,
I’m sitting here just contemplatin,
I can’t twist the truth it knows no regulatin,
Handful of senators don’t pass legislation,
This whole crazy world is just too frustratin,
And you tell me over and over again my friend,
Ah! You don’t believe we’re on the “EVE OF DESTRUCTION”.

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