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MY,MY,MY, MICHIGAN, Sydney Powell has had a BIG BREAKTHROUGH with the courts. After an OBAMA appointed Judge sat on it for days her MICHIGAN case is finally on the docket for SCOTUS.

Remember CARDBOARD CITY in DETROIT, MICHIGAN not for the homeless, but to keep out prying eyes of the GOP. Yes Cardboard was put up over the windows of the TCF voting centre to obstruct the view in. Lots of SUITCASES were brought into the building by officials, it was reminiscent of the suitcases under black cloths in GEORGIA
Which were only brought out after observers were told to go home because voting was finished for the night.

REFUTING the Testimony that PAULOS, that CEO of DOMINION gave to MICHIGAN SENATE, Melissa Carone a whistleblower from Dominion said the machines are linked to the internet and have a software pedigree of SMARTMATIC which was instrumental in a fraudulent election in Venezuela in 2004.

Despite Biden and Harris receiving the electoral votes, don’t count your chickens (or votes) before they hatch.

Trump has until January 20 to get his ducks in a row. The American Constitution only gives one date and that is January 20, Inauguration Day.

Some of the swing states have got ALTERNATIVE ELECTORS. These are Republican electors who are casting PROCEDURAL VOTES to preserve the legal challenges.

In MICHIGAN and ANTRIM County Trump was way ahead of Biden on election night until there was a 100% dump for Biden next day according to witnesses SHANE TREJO and JOSE ALIGO. Allied Security Operations after a forensic examination of Dominion Voting Machines said they were designed to produce errors so there could be bulk adjudication. There was a built-in 68% error rate. These ballots were adjudicated off-site, thought to be GERMANY and SPAIN. This is how the fraud was done, through the ERROR MANIPULATION.

“MISSION IMPOSSIBLE” took place after the 8 pm deadline for votes. In MICHIGAN, BIDEN received 150,000 votes in less than one minute at 6.31 am next morning.

SUPREME COURT success does not stop there according to the LOU DOBBS show. The WISCONSIN Supreme Court has ruled that the China Virus Restrictions are NOT a valid reason to give people absentee votes without identification. 200,000 used mail-in ballots to declare themselves “indefinitely confined”.

The NHI head of 17 National intelligence branches RATCLIFF has told CBS that China Russia , Iran were involved in US Elections. It’s CHIMERICA now.

Attorney General BARR will be “spending time with his family” after Christmas. He failed to bring out the HUNTER BIDEN shenanigans before the election which affected the vote.

BARR will be, in the words of CRIS REA, “DRIVING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS”

Driving home for Christmas,
Oh, I can’t wait to see their faces,
I’m driving home for Christmas Yeah.
Well, I’m moving down that line.
And it’s been so long,
To pass the time along,
Driving in my Car,
Driving home for Christmas.

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