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Labour Dropped the Ball…again!


What a bunch of killjoys in the Labour Party. We have now been denied the chance to hold the Rugby Championship. Of course, don’t for one moment think it was solely their doing. They have all these so-called health experts in the field of academia giving them advice. If you, as a Government, take someone else’s advice when making a decision then effectively it’s their fault, not yours. In this particular case, it appears even they have avoided blame. So whose fault could it be?

Well, according to the Prime Minister, who’s the Past Master at apportioning blame, it’s the rugby people themselves. Evidently they were really keen to have New Zealand host the tournament but just not keen enough to adhere to the Government’s silly training rules. Who would blame them? If another country is going to allow teams to train in such a way as to prepare properly for games that’s where they are going to go. The idea that you can’t have more than fifteen players training at one time shows just what an imbecilic lot we have running this country.

They are devoid of any semblance of intelligence on anything, even a game of rugby. According to Ardern, the Government worked really hard to accommodate the needs of the tournament and the players. If we’re not successful she blames “Sanzaar politics”. No lady, you might not be bright enough to recognise it but you can blame your own politics. The responsibility for this fiasco, yet another one, lies fairly and squarely at your door. Once again you have stuffed up big time. If one country offers the means for teams to train together and another doesn’t, who do you think is going to win the day?

This isn’t rocket science dearie. In terms of recognising the obvious this is kindergarten stuff. You, Sports Minister Robertson and Health Minister Hipkins are akin to The Three Stooges. They were before your time I know but while you three are around they’ll never be dead. For your information they were a vaudeville and comedy team. Their hallmark was physical farce and slapstick, not unlike how you run the country. Your overcautious nonsense caused New Zealand to be put in the too hard basket.

Sport at this level isn’t just a game sweetie. It’s big business, something you have no experience of or understanding of. Again, your obsession with the health side of COVID has cost this country big time. Just when something of this size and interest was needed you kicked it for touch. You need to now reflect on the further economic damage you have done to the business sectors crying out for such a thing to happen. A couple of COVID bubbles in Auckland and you drop the ball.

It might not have occurred to you yet — after all, we’ve only had COVID for six months so you might need a bit more time — but this country can’t go on like this. We need to divest ourselves of your draconian edicts and get back to normality quick fast. Hosting the Rugby Championship would have been a great way to signal that was happening. That was never going to happen though, was it? With you, it’s always control over commonsense. That’s how you operate.

The reality is that there will be those who are not in your team of five million who may penalise you for this. Maybe others as well. Two Bledisloe Tests won’t suffice. Rugby coffers, restaurants, cafes, bars, hotels etc, all those who desperately need the patronage of the size this tournament would bring have all missed out again. All because of you. Not Sanzaar, not anyone else, YOU!

It’s time to face reality Jacinda, time to be a big girl, and start taking some responsibility and some blame!

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