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Latest Poll Shows Government in Control

In the latest 1News Verian poll, the political landscape in New Zealand seems to be holding steady, with the coalition Government maintaining its grip on power if an election were to be held today.


The numbers suggest that the coalition, comprising National, ACT and New Zealand First, would secure enough seats in Parliament to form a government, despite a slight decrease in overall support.


National’s 38 per cent share of the party vote, alongside the support for ACT and New Zealand First, brings the coalition’s total to 64 seats in Parliament. This outcome indicates a potential continuation of the current Government’s tenure, with New Zealand First surpassing the five per cent party vote threshold, which is crucial for the coalition’s stability.

On the other side of the spectrum, Labour has seen a slight dip in its party vote, dropping below the 30 per cent mark again to 29 per cent. The Greens and Te Pati Maori also experienced minor decreases in support although not affecting the overall balance of power in the political landscape.

In terms of preferred prime minister, Christopher Luxon maintains a small lead with 23 per cent of respondents favouring him for the top job. However, Chris Hipkins has gained ground with 18 per cent support – God knows why – perhaps indicating that Luxon is like gluten-free bread and even Hipkins may be better. I still hold the belief that Luxon is holding National back.

The trend, though, is steady as she goes but by now National should be polling in the 40s and the Greens should be obliterated by their rolling maul of scandals, which just goes to show the number of stupid people in the electorate remains at alarming levels.

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