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The act made bureaucrats professionals who are independent of politicians. Of course, after Covid anybody who thinks bureaucrats are omniscient angels needs a lobotomy. Covid was their dream come true: total control.
Check out the latest media stuff ups both locally and around the world.
His own colleagues admit it’s ‘not a great look’.
This farcical situation reveals a deeper problem, namely, a legal system that has run wildly out of control. There is too much law, and most of it is designed to resolve problems created by having too much law.
The past and the present in a potentially campaign-killing reflection.
The Michigan researchers are part of the new Green Movement who have moved about as far from green as you can get. As Joni Mitchell sang they plan to “pave paradise and put up a parking lot” for electric cars only.
Jewish Australians aren’t about to take advice from Penny Wong.
Whether protests on hospital plans or what you can wear on a night out, are we being consistent in our approach or just doing what suits us at the time.
Staff at 1News are part of the problem, but they could also be part of the solution if they presented the news in an objective, non-partisan manner. Then some viewers and advertisers might return and aid the company’s balance sheet