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Lessons We Need to Learn

No, these people are not going to learn anything. They don’t want to learn anything except that they were right.

Photo by Erik Mclean / Unsplash

Tani Newton

As the Covid enquiry grinds on, taking ever more time and money to reach its foregone conclusions, hope fades that the side of the official narrative will ever change its stance on anything. There will be no shame, no remorse and no accountability. Our collapsing hospitals and falling life expectancy are matters of indifference to the people who once told us that we had to sacrifice everything of value to us in order to ‘save lives’ and ‘save the hospitals’. 

On the other side, by contrast, there is and continues to be no one official narrative. The Covid sceptics differ amongst themselves, as honest people with real opinions do. For example, I disagree with Robert MacCulloch, who suggests in his recent posts that the New Zealand Government failed us by obtaining ‘vaccines’ too late and so being ‘forced’ into reliance on non-pharmaceutical measures. 

Mr MacCulloch and the Covid enquiry ignores the fact that these measures were advised against in the WHO’s own pandemic plan a mere few years ago. They ignore the fact that the measures were not allowed by our own laws and violated universally accepted human rights and ethical standards. Moreover, both Mr MacCulloch and the Australian Covid enquiry he quotes seem to think that harm was caused by delaying the ‘vaccine’ rollout. The logic of this is impenetrable: given that more people are dying now than before, what would a faster rollout have saved us from? Overpopulation and climate change? 

Oh, so the government was ‘forced’ to use society-destroying and economy-destroying measures by not having enough ‘vaccines’ or not being able to get people to take them. Please. No one was ‘forced’ to do any such thing. They freely chose to do it. If the existence of the ’flu ‘forced’ governments to destroy their countries and their people’s health, the world would probably have ended quite some time ago. 

No, these people are not going to learn anything. They don’t want to learn anything except that they were right. It is the rest of us who will have to learn some things, such as: 

  • Do your own research. Remember that everything on the internet is controlled and curated. Learn to recognise when you are being lied to.
  • Develop new heuristics. The old heuristic that a lot of us have is ‘the more often you hear it, the more likely it is to be true’. In a world of information warfare, we have to replace that one with ‘The more people are being censored, the more likely it is that they are telling the truth.’
  • Have principles that you hold to, no matter what, and only respect people who do the same. Principles are not made to be sacrificed, laws are not made to be broken and standards are not made to be violated. What is true and right is so regardless of the circumstances. Hold on to that and tough it out.
