David Seymour
ACT Party Leader
The ACT Party welcomes National Leader Christopher Luxon saying he wants a conversation about co-governance. We put it to him that a referendum is a conversation where ordinary people get a say.
You can’t solve problems by ignoring them. Luxon says he shares our concerns about co-governance. It’s time to be bold and have the conversation.
By dismissing a referendum Luxon would be ignoring the problem and hoping it’ll go away. That’s been the strategy of successive National governments in the past, ACT is challenging Christopher Luxon’s Government to be different and deliver real change.
It’s promising to see National agree with ACT that the Maori Health Authority should be scrapped. The creation of a separate Maori Health Authority is a divisive move.
The Government must stop separating New Zealanders based on their race and focus on the common dignity of us all. This is common ground where we can work together.
It’s time for honest and bold conversations. ACT exists to do more than just win office and hold it. We want to equip New Zealand with the best policies in the world. We stand for real change.