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Dear Editor

Thursday night after a busy day meeting lots of business owners I got the chills and a massive headache. I was not too surprised as several of my meetings in the last two days had missing staff off at home recovering. I didn’t get jabbed, I don’t sign in, wear a mask or scan QR codes so luckily I can’t be tracked down to be forced to stay at home longer than necessary.

Once a fortnight I inject myself with an immune suppressant to stop the arthritis I have had since my 20s getting worse. This allows me to live a semi-normal life but means I have zero immune response when I get sick. I am also 7 years past my Stage 3 cancer battle (Chemo, Radio and surgery) so again this does not help my immune system.

I understand that all the Covid mandates were designed to help people like me as immunocompromised individuals. I am not sure when the scary part starts but for me, this has been a minor ’flu. I must confess I took some ivermectin and vitamin C and D tablets on Friday so maybe that saved my life.

So far it’s been nothing to worry about.
Thursday night: Headaches – Slept all night
Friday: Headaches, blocked nose – Slept most of the day and all night
Saturday: Sore throat and slightly sore head – Spent day on The BFD

My business is just breaking even at present and another round of lockdowns or whatever the next safety net is will shut me down for good.

So much for kindness and the “team of 5 Million”.

Andrew F
