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letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

Luxon seems to be chasing the centre-left vote now and leaving the centre and right to ACT. I am thinking that as a result, the conservative vote will head to Matt King.

Luxon telling Simon O’Connor to remove his comment only confirms National’s shift to the left. I would have some respect for him if he had asked O’Connor to explain his comment instead of telling him to remove it.

Roe v Wade’s removal lets individual states set their own laws regarding this issue, taking it out of the federal reach, which is in line with how the constitution is written and how most state-local concerns are meant to be handled.

It is certainly time to tell Luxon he needs to accept that his caucus has diverse opinions and that shutting down debate is unhealthy for the future of the National party.

You only have to look at the Louisa Wall fallout. Free speech denied can become a festering wound.


