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Dear Editor

Immigration NZ can’t even process a simple visitor visa. They must be inundated with staff who couldn’t organize a piss-up in a brewery.

I’m a New Zealander locked out of my own country for 2 years. All I want to do is go there and deal with my personal property and leave again. I thought it would be nice to take my wife and daughter and to at least see a little of New Zealand.

My wife needs a visitor visa. We tried to apply online.  The web form did not function so we couldn’t enter information to get past the first page. We tried 4 different browsers, different computers and high-speed connections. Nothing worked.

We filed a system complaint with a screen shot. They returned a ref number saying they will respond in 25 days. Today they duck shoved the complaint to someone else who now says they may respond in 7 days but no promises.

Not once was there any attempt to mitigate the issue.

In the meantime, a trip there for the summer seems less and less likely.

This is what we see each time.

One can naturally assume this is a feature, not a bug. Needless to say, there is no drop-down list displayed and nothing appears when typing. You can enter manually but this data is rejected.

Rant over. No wonder many people are leaving New Zealand and those that want to visit family can’t get a visa.


