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Dear Editor

Just as Cerberus the three-headed hound guards the gates of Hades, we now have a new three-headed coalition to guard the gates of democracy in New Zealand. And after just a short time it’s exciting to see how the new tripartite government is already shaping up.

If I might stretch to another metaphor, we have Winston Peters operating as the Underboss and hit man against left-wing, separatist and woke agendas.

David Seymour as the intellectual Consigliere and counsellor in the war against big government and the public service bureaucracy.

And Christopher Luxon, standing aloof from the street fighting on the floor of parliament, working behind the scenes in the role of Godfather and CEO, the ‘capo di tutti capi’’.

They appear to have all the bases covered in what could well be the most effective government that MMP has ever delivered.

Three leaders for the price of one, each with their own set of skills, working together to get the country back on track, what’s not to like?

Disgruntled of Eskdale
