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Letter to the Editor: Adults Hiding behind Children

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

I am so sad to see young children ‘eligible’ for the jabs as it is wrong on so many levels.

  • They are at negligible risk from Covid and so are being subjected to a medical procedure where the benefit to them is far from clear and could well be less than the (unknown) risk to them. This is absolutely against medical ethics.
  • If there happens to be damage that shows up in 50 years, that matters to 10 year old kids. Not at all for 70 year old pensioners.
  • All societies recognise that it is the job of adults to protect children, not the other way around. I’ve yet to meet a grandparent who is prepared to take any risk at all with their grandchildren to protect themselves, quite the reverse. This is adults sheltering behind the bodies of children which is shameful.
  • Very sadly there is likely to be at least one child who is severely damaged by a mass roll out. The parents will never forgive themselves for what they’ve allowed to be done to the child who it was their pleasure, and duty, to protect.

This is an absolutely disgusting thing to do to children.

Angus Aardvark
