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Letter to the Editor: It’s not about COVID

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

I think that the first Red Flag for me, or possibly the first disconnect in logic regarding the Government’s whole “One Source of Truth” and that it’s all about “Keeping NZ Safe” is this.

Having done a fair bit of reading and having discovered Dr Peter McCullough’s “Guide To Early COVID Treatment” it seems that getting vaxed is just one of the suggested four strategies that we should undertake to combat infectious disease.

Covid PatientTreatmentGuide-TFH-7-31-2021-1 copyDownload

Firstly: Prevention. Makes sense, really, doesn’t it. If you don’t get it you can’t get sick.

Secondly: Early AT HOME treatment. Get this right and the hospitals don’t get overrun. (There are always going to be some people that require it hospital treatment, of course).

And, naturally enough, vaccination. So I became puzzled as to why the strategy of the PM and her minions has focused mainly on compliance at the end of a needle.

IF they really wanted us to be safe they would look at ALL the options – overturn every stone – kiss every frog. But no. Not a peep out of them regarding the ever-so-important steps one and two.

Even more puzzling than that is the active suppression of drugs like ivermectin that is used in about 38% of the globe “crushing the curve”.

Ivermectin adoption.

Great examples are India (especially Uttah Pradesh) and Mexico.  Even Indonesia and Japan have swayed towards this drug, which is on the WHO’s list of essential drugs. Over 3.2 billion doses have been safely used on humans since 1975.

Add to that Vitamins C and D and zinc and you have a pretty effective combination to boost your immunity and fight COVID, but we don’t hear about it. It’s so puzzling. But then, perhaps not.

If our Government were to acknowledge that there is, indeed, a successful treatment response for COVID (that costs pennies compared to the Pfizer “conditionally accepted” option) other than just the jab, then the EUA that enables them to roll out an experimental “vaccine” would be null and void. The rest of the dramas relating to lockdowns, mask-wearing, mandating/coercing jabs would make no sense.

However, this is not the case. This information IS being suppressed, so clearly, our health is NOT the Government’s top priority. Rolling out an experimental vaccine is. And that begs the Million Dollar Question … WHY?


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