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Letter to the Editor: Media Demonisation

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

So this is apparently where we are as a nation. The government and our media (Stuff) allow this kind of harmful and frankly violent demonisation of their fellow Kiwis.

The article shows a complete disregard of personal choice, personal health, mental health or doctor-patient care.

What you need to do is bribe, blackmail, trick or shame them into it. You need to use every dirty emotional method under the sun and, when they finally succumb, they’ll hate you for it.

You’d better believe that this is a government-sanctioned attack on all of us, not just the unvaccinated.

But nobody can deny the vaccine’s most perfidious side-effect is this: it may destroy your family. Symptoms include rage, remorse and good old silent treatment. Recovery is in no way assured.

Virginia Fallon – Senior Writer at Stuff. I wonder where her psychology and medical qualifications are. Or can you just order people to attack others if you are a journalist at Jabcinda’s national propaganda outlet?

[…] it’s time to play dirty. Issue ultimatums, promise rewards or, if nagging fails, try begging. Resort to threats if you have to

[…] Sulk, rage, cry: the methods might not be honourable, but right now there’s too much at stake not to give it your damnedest.


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