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Letter to the Editor: Safe during ‘All Stages’ of Pregnancy?

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

The Ministry of Health and the ‘One source of truth’ state that the
Covid jab is safe at ALL stages of pregnancy.

That cannot possibly be known yet. There will need to be a lot of babies born whose mothers were jabbed during the first few weeks of their lives before that is known.

The statement appears to be based on studies during the middle or last trimester, where the baby is essentially fully formed and just growing larger, which tells you nothing about the risks during the first trimester.

That is when the cells are developing rapidly, differentiating, limbs and organs are budding, and many very precise chains of events must be occurring at precisely the right time (often before the woman even knows she is pregnant), for a normal human to emerge.

It was a real surprise to see the Ministry recommending vaccines for pregnant women. For the above reasons, they have always previously warned against any new treatment being given in early pregnancy.

One must very much hope that there are no problems. As for the
medical professionals assuring parents of safety in the absence of any evidence, “May God have mercy on their souls” (because the parents won’t be forgiving) if it turns out otherwise.

Angus Aardvark

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