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Letter to the Editor: Thanks for What You Are Doing

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

I am a subscriber and farmer and thank you for what you are doing.

Coincidentally on Wednesday, the government announced changes to the stock exclusion rules. This has a consultation period that was supposed to open on the 26th of July so it seems that they (MFE and MPI) have rushed this release out to try and influence the media around the ungrateful farmers moaning about stuff.

Government consults on freshwater farm plan |

They have become so shameless in their PR and spin it just makes me sick.

The BFD is now the only media I use, as well as the Rock, Even the farming show has bought into the PM’s rules around questions etc.

As someone who has spent thousands of free hours battling Fish and Game, Forest and Bird, DOC and Rangitane in trying to get a workable water policy instead of trying to return the Wairarapa to pre-human levels, I think Groundswell have hit the nail on the head so I will be heading into Oamaru today instead of a day on the ski fields!

I’ll send some pictures through

Keep up the good work. I enjoy my daily dose.



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