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Letter to the Editor: The Evidence Is Piling Up

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

Ventavia dismissed employee, Brook Jackson blew the whistle on unsound practices by her employer who was under contract to carry out trials on the Pfizer vaccine.

Two New Zealand researchers, Dr Simon Thornley and Dr Aleisha Brock, found glaring errors in CDC study on the safety of the jab for pregnant women (The Expose 4 Nov 2021). Data now shows that “the incidence of miscarriages in the first trimester at between 82% to 91% of the women vaccinated before twenty weeks gestation”.

The latest figures from the United Kingdom Health Security Agency show that, in the UK, Covid 19 vaccines have average effectiveness of Minus 73%. This is new data from the three weeks starting early October and refers to positive tests only. Deaths from Covid in the UK are also ahead of non vaccinated where 85% of deaths are among the fully vaccinated, with a vaccination rate of 67.12%.

The BFD published an article a few days ago showing the creative use of statistics for the Pfizer product illustrating how statistics can be very misleading.

Both officially recorded and anecdotal deaths are increasing. Deaths of adolescents are of particular concern.

Will this shambles of a Government ever admit they have been conned by the best conmen in the world, the drug manufacturers, and were, to use the Kiwi vernacular, sold a pup?

Whatever the penalty clauses Pfizer has imposed, this Government must allow the medical profession to prescribe medication as they see fit.

A few months ago we were being bombarded by the MSM about the plight in India. “They have run out of oxygen” screamed the headlines. The ever-practical Indians, who for centuries have looked after their huge population without the aid of high tech, used what was at hand and distributed home packs of Ivermectin with vitamin supplements. Utter Pradesh, an Indian Province of 240 million people, has now been declared Covid free. Reportedly the total cost per treatment was under $5.00.

Peter Fraser

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