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Lies Run Sprints, but the Truth Runs Marathons

At long last, the truth is coming out. Where to from here, one wonders?

As you can imagine, the hardy folk at ACC are tasked with investigating all claims thoroughly to avoid any benefit fraud. Vaccine injury falls under their jurisdiction, so ACC staff have, uniquely in NZ, been immersing themselves in the torrid details of vaccine injury.

As all injuries go through this single department, ACC knows more about vaccine injury than any other sector of our government or society at large. The avalanche of claims (which could top 100,000 if the government were to admit liability) and their severity has shocked ACC staff to such an extent that a great many staff members are rightfully concerned that they should not be compelled to vaccinate or boost.

The government, who have been trying to hide the extent of vaccine injury from the public and are eager not to be caught out, have reportedly caved in to ACC staff demands and extended the deadline for mandated vaccination into an uncertain future.

This is pure vindication for those who were hesitant over the vaccine. I am double jabbed. But now I am not so sure. Just the fact that we had to wait 6 months… then 4 months… now 3 months for a booster means no one knows what the hell is going on. If the original vaccinations only lasted 3 months then I have been unprotected since October. It is obvious we are all being lied to – by Big Pharma, by the Ministry of Health and, most of all, by the government.

Simultaneously we have heard that the government wishes to avoid liability by arguing that vaccine injuries are not actually accidents but the result of free choices by individuals to undertake an experimental treatment.

Nice try, but it won’t wash. How many people were coerced into the vaccinations in order to keep their jobs and their livelihoods? From nurses, doctors, police to supermarket workers, many more would not have been vaccinated if they had had a “free” choice.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has famously told the public that “the Government should be your sole source of information”, in her words all other sources of information especially social media are worthless “grains of salt”.

As the vaccine rollout progressed, it became apparent to those adventurous enough to diverge from Jacinda’s strictures by reading foreign media sources, that the mRNA vaccine is rather ineffective and rapidly wears off. More importantly, the number of people suffering from vaccine injuries is so large, that almost everyone has a few friends, (I have almost a dozen), who have succumbed to serious injury.

And the government has been actively trying to cover this up. Remember Jacinda’s Facebook page where her minions were removing the comments as fast as they were being posted? This is from the office of the prime minister!

The vaccine injury blackout that the government has been able to exert over the media has been so total that the vaccine safety narrative at first proved very robust. Despite the injury stories circulating among friends and on social media, it was always possible for the government to dismiss the fate of one’s injured friends as rare and unfortunate (if indeed they ever mentioned it).

But we were being lied to all the way through the pandemic.

The turning point appears to be the case of a 17 year old girl who died from a stroke immediately following vaccination in September last year. A media hack quickly picked this up and questioned Jacinda Ardern at her press conference. Jacinda immediately and forcefully responded that the medical event was unrelated to vaccination. She described the media questioning as irresponsible. Her reply appeared designed to squash any narrative that could cause vaccine hesitancy.

What an absolute disgrace our Labour Government is. It is rumoured that the parents of this young girl were paid by the Government to say her death was not vaccine-related.

This strong response, which was probably not based on any proven information about the case, had the unfortunate effect of setting the tone for all government departments—absence of risk from Covid vaccines became an accepted stance and came to dominate government media advertising. At that point in time, Jacinda had a strong reputation for honesty and kindness.

She may have had political capital to burn back then. She doesn’t now.

A government advisor epidemiologist has privately acknowledged to me that strokes are a known outcome of mRNA vaccination, but our government continues to ignore that this is the case. ACC staff have denied claims based on injury from heart attacks and stroke, but they are well aware of their rate of incidence.

So where are the medical profession in all this – the ones that swear to do no harm?

There has been from the beginning an all court press to persuade doctors and nurses to support universal mandated vaccination which, given the high rate of vaccine injuries, rapidly morphed into policies promoting silence about risks. Doctors expressing caution have been sidelined and unvaccinated professionals have been prevented from working.

Whistleblowers among the medical profession have privately reported wards overwhelmed with cardiac event cases following vaccination including myo- and pericarditis, but hospital policies have ensured that many patients with vaccine injuries go unreported. Some have been sent home with aspirin. Staff have been told that they cannot publicly talk about it. Doctors are afraid they could lose their right to practice if they speak up and some have lost their licence.

At Medsafe (the branch of the Ministry of Health managing medical safety), whistleblowers report staff have been encouraged to keep the wraps on statistics of vaccine injury, by refusing to make reporting of vaccine injury mandatory and by refusing to acknowledge that reports of death proximate to vaccination may be related.

So medics have been threatened too. No surprises there.

Given the government vaccination injury blackout and the general perception in the medical profession of vaccine safety, there have been a number of severe vaccine injuries that have flown under the radar. I have two friends for example who developed rapid onset leukaemia after vaccination (a known side effect of gene therapy), but whose doctors had no inkling that vaccination should be investigated as a possible cause. Such rarer cases including cancer, kidney and liver disease are brushed aside without reporting.

And we all know about the media’s part in all of this.

Given the unstable financial situation of the NZ media, significant financial support from the NZ government, probably around $100 million, has helped to promote a universally uncritical stance which has isolated the NZ population from all but adoring elements of global Covid vaccine reporting.

The bought-and-paid-for media… lying to us all as the cheques from this Government roll in.

I was told by one nationally famous radio host that no programmes critical of vaccination safety can be aired.

So now we know why most radio hosts appear to be backing the vaccine without question. They have been told to do exactly that.

Here is the rub, NZ government policy has broken the bank. Grant Robertson, deputy PM and finance mister set aside $62 billion 20 months ago to provide for Covid recovery. He envisioned this would last for five years. At the time of writing, the government has spent $64 billion and has no money left for the planned fourth booster. NZ government debt has almost doubled in the space of two years from $69 million 2019 to $123 billion last year. To put this in perspective, NZ has a population of 5 million, so our rate of government expenditure on Covid per head of population is roughly the same as that in the USA and UK but we have spent that before the disease has even arrived and there is no money left.

$123 billion gone in 2 years. Nothing like great stewards of the economy.

Very few improvements have been made to our underfunded and ageing hospital system, because NZ policy was predicated on keeping Covid out while we vaccinated the population and thereby kept everyone safe for the future. No allowance was made for the vaccine being ineffective or risky. Now Omicron has arrived, the government is in disarray, imploring the whole population to come for boosters at just that moment when we are waking up to the damage vaccines have already wrecked on our health.

And now people are seriously wondering about the booster. Sure, some people are taking it and, sadly, are vaccinating their children but many others are now not so sure.

Among the members of the public who have stood by Ardern and kept a closed mind, there is fear and panic. This is unfortunately and mistakenly directed at the very small number of unvaccinated NZers who Jacinda tells them will upset her well laid plans by spreading Covid among the faithful.

Classic behaviour by this government. Divide and rule. People believe it though. They are brainwashed and terrified.

Omicron is all for equal opportunity—it does not discriminate much between vaccinated or unvaccinated. The government seems impervious to this reality, happy to blame the unvaccinated for its woes. We were advised yesterday to wear two masks one on top of the other. We await our fate.


Turns out it wasn’t all ‘misinformation’ at all.
