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Life Is Not Back to Normal

Photo by Pexels. The BFD.

Deborah Cunliffe
Nurses for Freedom NZ (NFFNZ)
Alternative Health Solutions and The Nurses Collective

It’s not often I’m speechless and reduced to tears but these past few weeks have found me weeping and at a loss for words on three occasions.

The first was following my last email requesting donations towards our nurses’ hui.  Within hours and with no fanfare, anonymous donations started to appear in our account. Considering the financial restraints many are facing, my heart and my gratitude to those able to donate to this worthy cause – you know who you are, even if we don’t!  We still have a number of nurses wanting to attend and needing help with finances, so if you can help please email me!

On the second occasion, my tears were tears of frustration. Let me explain….. I received a call from a Member of Parliament who had presumed, along with our other elected members, that our public health workers were back at work in the public health sector, as “the mandates had been dropped on the 26th of September”. Of course, you know that whilst the government may have ended the mandates they have by their manipulation and indoctrination simply passed responsibility to individual hospitals and other health providers thereby allowing employers to effectively continue mandating against those who choose to exercise their right to bodily autonomy.

The MP genuinely thought we were all back at work and “life was back to normal”.  If our MPs are being hoodwinked by words and sleight of hand then perhaps the average Kiwi can be excused for thinking the same.

To counteract this, we need to ensure everyone knows public health workers such as myself, a nurse of almost 40 years in a specialist role that is still vacant, cannot return to hospital work if we remain unvaccinated. Shout it from the rooftops, mention it every time you go to get petrol, visit your GP or your outpatient appointment; at the butchers, the bakers and the candlestick makers! We need to keep this information in the public domain and keep pressuring those making these insane decisions.

The third time my tears flowed was when I heard Pfizer’s acknowledgement that they never actually tested the ability of the covid vaccine to prevent transmission –  European Parliament (12/10/22).

Why then were we terminated, stood down or forced to resign?

My tears flowed freely as I thought about the livelihoods ruined and families destroyed because of a lie and the continuing risk our public health system poses for everyday New Zealanders.

I’m determined not to cry any more tears this week but I can’t make any promises.
