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Luxon Gives Another MP a Telling Off

disobedience, mother and son, boy
National Party leader Christopher Luxon has spoken to a senior MP over a “strongly worded” email about the Israel-Hamas conflict.

The email, widely shared on social media, appears to show MP Chris Bishop replying to a member of the public and likening Hamas’ actions in Israel to the Holocaust.

“Hamas terrorists butchered women and children […] in a rampage of violence and hate.

“Such barbarity has not been seen since the Holocaust.”

Luxon told Radio New Zealand the language used was “strong” and it showed there were high emotions on both sides.


The National Party leader told Newshub the advice he gave Bishop was that he should have been more careful with his choice of language.

What Bishop has said was 100 per cent accurate and is nothing that others haven’t said already. Yet for some reason he should be more “careful” about his choice of language. Seriously?

[…] “I am thinking about our Jewish community here in New Zealand, our Muslim community here in New Zealand. It’s an incredibly difficult time,” he said.

Luxon has done nothing, absolutely nothing, to show any concern about the Jewish community here. And what have things got to do with  the Muslim community here? Honestly! Arab countries, which are Muslim by the way, can’t stand the Palestinians and Hamas.

[…] Asked if he thought Israel was meeting its humanitarian obligations, Luxon said “I haven’t seen any advice to say they are not but what I have seen is obviously concern of what we see on the TV and the images we all see.”

Hamas has been pretty good and complying with international law so far, not.

Asked if he thought Israel was meeting its humanitarian obligations, Luxon said “I haven’t seen any advice to say they are not but what I have seen is obviously concern of what we see on the TV and the images we all see.”

[…] Though more than half of Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians have fled their homes, several hundred thousand remain in the north, where Israeli troops and tanks reportedly have advanced on several sides of Gaza City, the sprawling urban centre.

Of course the Herald can’t resist putting the boot in. Let’s not forget Palestinians actually support Hamas and elected them into power.

Luxon is like that overbearing boss everyone hates. It’s funny how he likes to rabbit on about building positive relationships but can’t even build positive relationships with his own MPs. If I were Bishop I’d give Luxon an ‘eff you’ and threaten to resign and stand for Hutt South as an independent.

Luxon seems to me to be the sort of guy who manages to put himself in the position where he takes credit for things he had nothing to do with. I mean, let’s face it, National didn’t so much win as Labour lost. Mickey Mouse could have led National and National still would have won, and probably by a larger margin.

And with regard to civilians deaths, to borrow from a famous movie quote: “What do you get if you allow a terrorist organisation to take over, to build hundreds of miles of tunnels underneath civilian buildings and to fire rockets from the top of hospitals?”

You get what you deserve.
