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Luxon Should Drop the ‘Christchurch Call’

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Photo by Clker-Free-Vector-Images. The BFD.

Is Luxon a chameleon?

Does he know if he is Red, Blue or Green?

In his latest foray on the global scene, he seems to have gone Red by appointing Ardern to Biden’s new State Departmentt Equity Action Plan, a global one which includes New Zealand. This action plan of Bidens is really a spy plan which will enable the US State Department to spy on the likes of you and me through our use of the internet. Brian Tamaki of TFSC has accused Luxon of taking up the Red mantle of Jacinda.

Not only is New Zealand mentioned in the preceding November 2023 report with Macron under the heading of “Racial Equity”; it seems to be spearheading the whole idea of censorship under the guise of the “Christchurch Call”, the purpose of which has become extremely broad. You wouldn’t recognise it these days as it has ceased to be about a lone terrorist gunman and now under Jacinda has become a vehicle for every left-wing trope imaginable. Talk about “Jezebel Jacinda on Steroids” . McBlog has called this report a doozy.

The PM’s answer to an OIA request shows $3,178,389 has been spent so far on the ‘Christchurch Call’ but it could run to more. What a great idea for cost-cutting! Maybe it’s the “All globalists should stick together” trope, but Luxon has huge admiration for Ardern and Trudeau who were world leaders next to China in stripping citizens of their rights under Covid. But nek minit Luxon and the Film Commission think a film on Red Ardern’s life would be a winner. You couldn’t make it up.

We wanted to get rid of the “Chaos Coalition” so we voted National but now we have ended up with a globalist PM. We didn’t know we would be colluding with a foreign (USA) government to catch out ‘wrongthinking’ Kiwis. Red Ardern having failed in her attempt to do exactly that here has taken her wares overseas. Surely allowing a foreign government to spy on our citizens is a traitorous act.

Who will burst through the swinging doors next? Will it be the globalist Klaus Schwab from the WEF who wants us to eat bugs? The Canadians have just introduced a bill into their House of Commons where your “Wrongthink” can earn you a lifetime in jail. Ouch! This is the equivalent of the Stalinistic ‘being sent to Siberia’ touch. Is this what Luxon and Ardern want here?

What is Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Winston Peters doing about this? After all, he is the King of “Wrongthink” himself, which is why we elected him and why NZ First has just galloped up in the Taxpayers’ Union Poll while National has gone down. Voters can smell a rat, a globalist one. Luxon could do well to listen to Boy George and Culture Club’s song “Karma Karma Karma Chameleon”.

You String along, You String along I’m a Man without conviction, I’m a man who doesn’t know, I’m a Chameleon, I come and go, I come and go!

If “X” and Elon Musk can drop the “Christchurch Call” why can’t the chameleon Luxon? He should learn from his betters especially those who know more about technology than he does. Mike Hosking on ZB Radio has just said Luxon’s radar could be a bit off. As Luxon folds quicker than a Warehouse deck chair, as Cam Slater puts it, we live in hope!


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