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Make No Mistake About It – Winston Is Back

It’s Alive!. Cartoon credit SonovaMin The BFD.

The last election delivered the breathtakingly bizarre results of an MMP election that handed single party government to the most inept group of incompetents in the history of the country.

Despite having seen them at “work” for three years.

Despite not a single promise kept.

Despite the promised transparency disappearing into thin air.

Despite the “transitional” never showing its face.

Despite Kiwibuild becoming no build.

Despite kicking landlords in the guts and increasing the cost of housing.

Despite taxing motorists in Auckland more and providing nothing in return.

Despite spending a fortune on “looking” at options for an unwanted and completely useless tramline that neither the locals nor the city (nor indeed anybody on the planet) want and still having no conclusive outcome.

Despite autocratic rule justified by Covid and mistake after mistake after mistake with managing it.

Despite turning the population into tell-tales and inviting all to dob in their neighbours.

Despite hugely increasing spin and hugely decreasing action.

Despite literally getting absolutely nothing right.

Despite stumbling from disaster after disaster after disaster.

And all the above happened in the first three years.

Despite it all, the sheeple still gave these people a blank cheque and a mandate to do their worst.

And whoever would have imagined that they could do any worse?

Well look around you folks. Billions of dollars squandered on voter bribes already and it’s not even election year. He Puapua: Secret squirrel racist policy sneaked in under the radar and secretly implemented. A new history curriculum that follows race theory rather than history. And all the time, the threats of Covid lockdown continue without any sensible adjustment to account for changes that have occurred over the past 18 months and the threat that anything could happen at any time. Witness what has just happened in Wellington over a single case of a virus that we know does no more than cause standard flu symptoms in most of the population.

With this background, and facing a government that clearly cares not what the average New Zealander thinks or wants, Winston Peters is once again looking like the reliable, stable old hand of common sense and sanity.

It’s Alive!. Cartoon credit SonovaMin The BFD.

Whoever would have thought we’d see yet another rising from the dead from the foxiest campaigner in the history of New Zealand politics?

While I view Judith Collins as arguably the most competent politician and leader in politics today, with an intellect and level of common sense that probably exceeds the combined intellects of both front benches, the rest of the National lineup has a gift for self-destruction (with a few notable exceptions but maybe too few to count). Blame the media if you like, but the drivel they manage to surround themselves with, as mentioned in earlier articles, is completely a self-delivered gift.

So today, love him or hate him, Peters has once again shown he can read the electorate and has positioned NZ First as a viable option to handbrake the excesses of the fools or to once again hold the balance of power that will be needed for a change of government.
