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Mallard Is Now a Sitting Duck

Ducke. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.



You’ve got to hand it to this Government. Since gaining the Treasury Benches every idea they’ve had to improve any given situation has had the opposite effect i.e made it worse. Think welfare, housing, education, health, transport, RATs, you name it they’ve made it worse. And so it is with the Convoy. With every passing day, the outcome the politicians want is getting further away from them. All because of their own actions.

Led by the oldest bovver boy in the business, Trevor Mallard, the politicians are screwing up big time. Who would have thought those we elected to lead us would have quite so little acumen in this regard. The Labour Party and the Green Party can be excused as their people are not blessed with top-class grey matter. However, those on the right are also displaying what might be termed as surprising behaviour. The politicians have provided us with a masterclass of how NOT to handle a situation.

By deciding not to meet with the first people on their arrival they immediately set in train the events that have subsequently taken place. More vehicles, more people, more organisation put in place for a long stay. Honestly, if these people were running the country MIQ (had there been any) would have worked like a charm, vaccines would have been ordered, the RAT’s would have been here last year and the borders would be open and there would be no mandates. New Zealand as it should be.

Censure Mallard. Photoshopped image credit: Boondecker. The BFD.

But what did we get instead? Violence and mental torture from the third-highest person in the land. A man who gave the impression he was modelling himself on Kim Jong Un. First, he turned on the sprinklers. He’s probably rueing the fact he didn’t have water cannon at his disposal.

What will be next? Water cannons? Photoshopped image credit Pixy

When that didn’t work he went to the next level. Mental torture. Blasting music at them. However, those to whom it was directed, (mere plebs but of higher intelligence than the perpetrator of the noise), used it to their advantage and responded by dancing to it.

This must have been somewhat galling to Mallard realising that, far from seeing them off, he was not only still hosting them but also entertaining them.

Mallard tries to make out he’s independent and not a member of the Government but ever since he planted his posterior in the Speaker’s Chair he’s given quite the opposite impression. Daily, he leaps to the defence of his hopeless, hapless and helpless Prime Minister in Question Time.

Photoshopped image credit: Luke

When he found out his actions were having, yet again, the opposite effect he laced the music with Covid messages. This is truly pathetic behaviour from a person of such a high station. Mallard has bought the office he represents into total disrepute.

Unfortunately, Mallard just can’t help himself. The fact he’s been evicted from the House more times than anyone else is all the evidence you need. He’s a bully boy and, regardless of his position, a leopard doesn’t change its spots. Predictably, he has overplayed his hand.

The Police, to their credit, have decided that de-escalation is the appropriate action to take.

The BFD.

Mallard and the other politicians have a choice, unpalatable as it might be. Carry on with your petulance or organise some dialogue. The former will see the people there probably for some months, the latter will probably get the outcomes they want.

They also need to stop painting a false picture of what is going on. The truth is to be found on The BFD. A number of our articles have described writers’ visits to the grounds and are at odds with the Government and MSM narrative.

Mallard and the other MPs need to sort this out fast. The Police can’t resolve it as the politicians have made them, (through no fault of their own), look weak. They have mine and, no doubt, the rest of the population’s sympathies. I happen to know the man now in charge of the Operation. He is a fine person and doesn’t deserve to be put in this position. No one in the Police does for that matter.

Mallard has now incensed the people up to the point where they are now going to, non violently, dig in for the long haul. Herb gardens are now being planted and wood is being brought in to build a firmer stage. Freedom Village will grow and the Police and politicians will become even more impotent. As Chris Cahill of the Police Association has said, this could go on for months.

Wellingtonians, most of whom are Labour voting civil servants (I happen to know one who isn’t, bless him) will, just like Covid, have to learn to live with it. Your Government is demonstrably to blame.

And Mallard has made himself,  through his childish behaviour, a sitting duck.
