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Mangere Shooting Proof of Why FPOS Are Needed

Image credit The BFD.

National’s warning that it was only a matter of time before an innocent member of the public got caught in the crossfire of increasing gang violence has sadly come true, says National’s Police spokesperson Simeon Brown.

The gang shooting of a family home in Mangere Wednesday night is proof of why the Government must urgently pass Firearms Prohibition Order legislation to give Police more tools to take guns off gangs. It is a miracle the family escaped without any serious injury.

The targeted shooting of a family home that has no connections with any gang is proof gangs will use guns against members of the public, this type of incident can never be tolerated in New Zealand.

Police Minister Poto Williams promised in May she would introduce legislation similar to my member’s bill, but so far she has done nothing.

The Government still hasn’t delivered any legislation to give police new powers to place Firearms Prohibition Orders against dangerous gang members, despite promising New Zealanders it would do so.

National’s Firearms Prohibition Orders Bill was ready to go, but the Government shot it down for no other reason than politics, putting the safety of New Zealanders in jeopardy.

Firearms Prohibition Orders are not a new idea. They were recommended to the Government back 2017 and National has put forward the legislation a number of times, but the Government has refused to act.

National’s FPOs will allow Police to conduct warrantless search powers and take firearms out of the hands of gang members. The legislation will also make it illegal for a gang member to obtain a valid firearms licence.

Every day the Government delays on this issue, the number of gang members grows, with membership already at more than 8000.

We must take guns off the gangs now.

Gang Free. Cartoon credit The BFD.

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