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Maori Seats Need to Go Pronto

The BFD.

The Maori Party need to be gone from Parliament. Most Kiwis are fed up to the back teeth with their despicable behaviour. Their latest childish, illegal prank – to have Maori strike nationwide on Budget Day – is frankly the last straw from a mob who don’t give a damn about anyone or anything except themselves. Most of their commentary is racist, divisive and full of lies. They are not at all representative of the majority of their race, bar the racist activists and those, like themselves, who have no interest in contributing to the prosperity of this country.

The Coalition Government needs to condemn this nonsense and the most effective way would be to immediately begin legislating for the abolition of Maori electorates.

This would arguably boost the government’s stocks immeasurably and immediately.

There is no way the majority of hard working Kiwis, including Maori, should have to put up with this type of sandpit behaviour.

This racist, divisive group don’t speak for the majority of Maori. They simply cause trouble, chaos and division at every turn which does nothing to contribute to the country’s economic wellbeing in any way, as they persistently demand more money and control in the misguided thought that money is the answer to all of their so-called ills.

They have nothing positive to contribute, just a diatribe of negative and most recently, shameful abusive rhetoric against a Minister who, unlike them, is trying to protect their children.

Their conduct in Parliament has been reprehensible from day one. Remember their ridiculous behaviour at the swearing-in of MPs? Parliament is not their plaything, and they have no right to bring it into disrepute.

They act as if they have had no help in their entire existence, that the compensation Maori have received never happened and they never acknowledge the fact that iwi businesses are not required to pay tax.

Instead, their focus is on how disadvantaged they are and it’s beyond time their peers in parliament openly called this out for what it is.

To call this all a game understates how divisive it is. The strike action called they have called for on budget day a deliberate attempt to cause disruption and mayhem. It violates the desires of the majority to live in harmony in a prosperous country. Anybody who thinks it is a good idea to pander to this minority and their fellow travellers is sorely mistaken including the fifty-odd mayors who would deny their citizens the right to vote on Maori Wards.

Democracy gives no special rights to one race. Their philosophy will bring the opposite of a harmonious society in this country and to deal with this issue, our politicians of the right need to find the courage to act. The majority will back them. That’s how democracy works – majority rule.

We the people say “No more” and we demand that our representatives in the house act accordingly.

Decouple the gravy trains the taxpayers have funded for decades immediately and dump the Waitangi Tribunal which has well outlived its usefulness. It’s been operating outside original brief for some time. The organisation that the taxpayers fund so Maori can take the government to court at the drop of a hat has run out of money. Bankruptcy is an opportune time to get rid of it. Maori activists going to court should not be funded by those they are accusing. The money should come from their own pockets, funded from their own economy, not the pockets of all taxpayers.

It is very timely that David Seymour, Winston Peters and Shane Jones want to examine the Treaty and the relevance of the Waitangi Tribunal. That’s three Maori politicians who see what is holding the country back. Like the majority of New Zealanders, they want the country to prosper.

At the very least it is time for a referendum on the Maori seats and the majority should decide once and for all.

All politicians and parties in Parliament should contribute constructively to the Parliamentary processes. There is no useful purpose having a party whose sole purpose seems to be sniping from the sidelines representing only themselves.

The time has come for action.
