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Maori Seats on Councils under Threat

Tragic! Maori councillor learning he’s going to have to work as hard as Pakeha to keep his council seat.
A little bit of good news – The Government is restoring democracy to councils around the issue of Maori wards.

The Government’s made the announcement this afternoon that the rules are going back to the way they were. If a council wants to set up a Maori ward, ratepayers will again have the option to petition and force a referendum and, potentially, if they want to, overturn that plan altogether.

Which, given how racist Pakeha are, means the end of Maori wards.

[…] Now, why I’m pleased about this is that it actually looked like this wasn’t going to happen. It was in the coalition agreements last year, but then last week there was a leak that Cabinet had decided to put this on the backburner.

[…] The second reason I’m pleased about this is because ratepayers should call the shots on what happens on their councils – don’t you think?

Actually no! Under the Treaty, Maori are to call the shots! The ignorance of this Pakeha so-called journalist is astounding. Go read the Treaty (the elite-approved Maori one, not the Pakeha rubbish!)

[…] Willie Jackson and Nanaia Mahuta (who was the minister at the time) weren’t even ashamed of the fact that they were removing a democratic trigger. They knew that’s what they were doing, they said that they disagreed essentially with the principle of majority rules.

It’s called “progressive” democracy. I suppose racists like Heather would rather that Maori councillors be required to work as hard as everyone else to gain seats on councils.

[…] Already though, the shrill stuff has started. Waatea News is reporting that the Government is bringing ‘back the white veto on Maori wards’. So expect that that’s the tone that’s coming on this.

Heather du Plessis-Allan/NewstalkZB

Bring it on! Under the Treaty the only veto that should be allowed is the Maori one!
