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Marama Backtracks on the Word ‘White’

Marama Davidson has acknowledged she got it wrong by including the word “white” in her statement about violent men which made her appear racist.

This came about because she live streamed a statement after the shenanigans at Albert Park in Auckland saying: “I know violence is caused by white cis men.”

Hipkins made excuses for her saying she was approached by someone from Counterspin who was putting forth conspiracy views which tipped her over the edge. Plus a motorbike had run her down on a pedestrian crossing outside Albert Park and she was in a state of shock.

But Winston Peters wasn’t buying it and said she should lose her portfolio and David Seymour said she should resign.

Apart from that, is she any good at the job? In 242 days she has only put out two statements. This tardiness of statements may be because she knows full well that Maori are responsible for 51% of violence, Europeans 29%, Pasifika 11%, Indians 2% and Asians 1% which would make her statement about White male violence wrong and inaccurate.

Davidson does not deal in facts; they are anathema to her. She would rather cling to the fantasy that she is oppressed by straight white males.

Recently the National Party was attacked by the Greens, accused by them of being right-wing reactionary racists, after the Labour cull of some Green policies. Accusations of racism by the Green co-leaders towards anybody who disagrees with them are nothing new and National reacted by saying they could not work with the Greens after the election.

Choir boy Hipkins was on the AM show reassuring New Zealanders that he believed in “Free Speech”. He was asked if the police would protect free speech at rallies. There seemed very little police protection at the Posie Parker (Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull) appearance. An appearance was all it was because she left the country shortly afterward, unable to deliver her message.

This lack of free speech in New Zealand has been noted by J K Rowling with her 14 million followers. She has called the treatment of Posie Parker abhorrent. The Spectator‘s Brendan O’Neil has also commented and no doubt there will be more. Wait till Neil Oliver gets going. Julian Batchelor, intending to speak on co-governance, has now had to cancel.

Heather du Plessis-Allan interviewed Eliana Rubashkyn, who pretended to be a supporter of Posie Parker and then threw tomato juice over her. The colour of the tomato juice was supposed to represent violence against trans people. Rubashkyn is a migrant who suffered violence in her own country and is thankful she is now in New Zealand. Unfortunately, she has brought violence with her to her new country and the police are letting her get away with it.

Even Hipkins admitted on the AM show that people throwing things was unacceptable. “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.” If the police can arrest Covid mandate protestors outside Parliament they can and should arrest Rubashkyn. She told HDPA she would be happy to spend time in jail for her cause.

Perhaps New Zealand’s political leaders could learn from the Scottish First Minister’s resignation. She allowed a trans with two rape convictions to be sent to a women’s prison. This is hardly protecting women’s rights. But we weren’t allowed any discussion about this with Posie Parker, or for that matter, about allowing trans athletes in woman’s sports, in which New Zealand was a leader under Ardern.
