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Media are Strangers to the Truth

Freedom Village Credit: Aggie Zhang Credit: Aggie Zhang

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. The media and Police were so very quick to blame protestors for flinging “acid” in the faces of Police officers.

Despite literally hundreds of cameras, not a single media outlet managed to provide any evidence of the incident, until now.

What you can see is that Police, in contravention of their own standing orders, were using pepper spray in a crowd situation. Predictably some of that ended up in the faces of police officers.

Several former police officers who have close ties to The BFD all confirm that using pepper spray usually ends up coating the firer and others in the vicinity.

The Police and media need to apologise for this smear and spread of disinformation.

While we are at it, I bet the media asked Police what was happening the previous morning and some random cop, replied “They threw shit at us” which was gleefully pounced on and published as throwing faeces when what the cop really meant was “throwing some stuff at us”.

Be very careful what you read in the media, there is a good chance it is lies. Stuff was caught yesterday publishing a total fabrication. They corrected the article but almost no one has seen that retraction.

Then there is Marc Daalder, who has been spreading disinformation himself, claiming Winston Peters was shaking the hand of an insurrectionist.

Whilst strictly true, in that Winston Peters shook his hand, the man in question, Brad Flutey was in fact abusing Winston Peters as a traitor. Not quite the impression Marc Daalder was implying. Then again he works for an organisation who have taken part of the 55 million pieces of silver so he is essentially a regime propagandist. Naturally, Marc Daalder has blocked me after I called him out for his blatant disinformation.

The evidence is clear, the media are strangers to the truth.

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