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Meng Foon’s True Colours Revealed – Labour Red

Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon. Image credit The BFD.

David Seymour
ACT Party Leader

ACT has said right from the start that Meng Foon isn’t fit for his role because he is unable to remain politically neutral, today’s revelations bring new weight to our claims and he needs to go immediately.

After being appointed to the ‘politically neutral’ role of Race Relations Commissioner, 1News reports that Foon donated $1,500 to Labour MP and now Labour Cabinet Minister Kiri Allan’s 2020 election campaign, his company has also provided Allan with a rent subsidy worth $9,185. How’s that for neutrality?

Foon can’t be independent if he’s a Labour donor, not that he ever called out racism from the left anyway.

Kiri Allan is now the Minister of Justice responsible for appointing the Commissioner. She didn’t appoint Foon but would be responsible for his re-appointment. Judging by her reaction to a reporter’s questions she hoped Foon’s contributions to her campaigns would remain secret. When a reporter asked her about the donation she said, “I didn’t take any monetary donations from Meng Foon.”

The Commissioner is meant to be independent of the Government and uphold human rights for all New Zealanders, instead, Foon has proven he is only capable of upholding human rights when a situation fits with his personal political views.

Kiri Allan needs to sack him now. As well as consistently being hopeless, he is now compromised and clearly unable to remain in the role.
