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The BFD. Cartoon credit BoomSlang

Sir Bob Jones

Described as Germany’s most celebrated virologist, Professor Hendrik Streeck this week issued a warning to nations going back into lockdowns.

“Hold your nerve and don’t succumb to the pervasive mood of mass hysteria,” he said. “It’s time to stop all this alarmism. We can outsmart the virus using all our knowledge. We have to learn that COVID-19 is going to be with us for a long time and we must learn to live with it. We can’t keep shutting down our daily lives and paralysing everything.”

The Professor supported Germany’s first lockdown based on the alarming original data from Italy.

But with so much more knowledge since he argues extreme panic measures are no longer necessary. “I neither trivialise the virus nor dramatise it. We must find a proper balance.”


Meanwhile in Britain 32 top science and medical academics have written to the Prime Minister urging him to reject a second lockdown and to stop presenting COVID-19 as a mortal danger. They wasted their time.


We’re a month away from a general election but unlike any before there’s no election fever.

The lockdown freezing everything including I’ll cynically suggest, Labour’s huge polling advantage, is a key factor.

But most of all the National Party is to blame. Their tweedled-dum, tweedled-dee approach is woeful.

Plainly the strategy is to combat Jacinda-mania by presenting a “soft” Judith, in the process diluting her strong and well justified, much needed no-nonsense approach.

It would be very un-National to do something bold but here’s a suggestion.

Why not announce no further lockdowns? That should play well in Auckland in particular and as I’ve argued on this blog, is supported by the evidence.

Additionally, open the borders to returning Kiwis coming from safe countries with the proviso, taken on trust, they’ll stay home for a week.

Also, open the borders to tourists from Taiwan, Japan and other sound nations with low virus statistics.

In short, set the policy agenda with bold actions, failing which the Party is heading into a historic defeat. That would be very unhealthy for our democracy.

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