John Black
M.P Meka Whaitiri has explained why she left the Labour Party for Te Pati Maori.
‘I don’t believe Labour is fully committed to dividing this country along racial lines’, the M.P told Stuffed Maori issues reporter, Aotearoa-Ki-Ora-Pipi-Paua Wilson. ‘Co-governance was a step in the right direction but they really needed to do more mahi across the motu. Maori must be given control over land, water and most crucially, all Burger King outlets. I believe Te Pati Maori can achieve this. In fact, I see Rawiri Waititi in Burger King most days – negotiating over a Whopper or two.’
When pressed on other reasons she was leaving Labour, Whaitiri confessed it was the quality of the morning teas. ‘Around the cabinet table, the best we get is a stale mallow puff. Te Pati Maori has much better kai – Rawiri’s white-bait fritters are legendary.’