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My E-mail from Jacinda (She Says ‘it’s on’ )

Hugs Jacinda Ardern Kiwi

Apparently it’s on, well at least that is what my e-mail from Jacinda said in the subject line. I didn’t know if she had left her iron on or if she was referring to her next long holiday in Australia.

I guess our Prime Minister er I mean Jacinda is playing to her strength which is being informal and likable but I digress. Let’s have a look at what our Prime Minister um I mean my good buddy Jacinda had to say to me.

Kia ora Juana,

The greeting straight away reminded me that I was being contacted by a member of the public service. A highly paid member yes, but a bureaucrat nonetheless.

Earlier today, I announced that the 2020 general election will be held on the 19th of September.
That means our campaign to keep delivering our progressive vision for New Zealand begins now.
no way wow GIF

Oh dear, you lost me at “Keep delivering our progressive vision.” In essence what my mate Jacinda is saying is that they will continue to deliver not actual results but their vision of what they might, maybe, one day actually achieve.

A “progressive vision” looks like multiple working groups and projections ten years out from today. It is all about the sizzle and not the sausage (even if it is vegan, gluten-free and tastes like poo)

The last two years of leading this Government and working for you have been an absolute privilege, and I’m proud of the progress we’ve made tackling the long-term challenges facing New Zealanders, but there’s still much more to do.
I’m eager for Labour to keep delivering for Kiwis, but we won’t win this election without your support.
We have just 234 days to grow our grassroots movement, campaign our hearts out and put our case to New Zealanders so that we win another term and can keep making progress for our country.
We know our opponents are already incredibly well funded, with campaign tactics they’ve picked up from overseas, but this election is our chance to show we can run another positive, factual and robust campaign.

Poor Jacinda. As much as she would like to copy “progressive” campaign tactics from overseas, Labour leaders in both the UK and Australia lost!

Will you join our positive people-powered 2020 campaign today?
Whether it be chipping in a few dollars, volunteering in your local community or joining our Party as a member, every single action adds up to a powerful people-powered movement that can win in September.
Chip in to our 2020 campaign
Volunteer with Labour
Join the Labour Party
Thank you for being part of our movement. Thank you for believing in us. And thank you for your continued support as we start election year.
A short note on donations:
Election 2020 is fast approaching and we’re relying on your support to secure a second term for Jacinda and the Labour team. Labour is proud to be the party of the people and we’re funded by small donations from thousands and thousands of passionate supporters like you.
Will you be one of our generous donors, Juana? Whatever you can afford — even if it’s only a few dollars — will make a difference and help us prepare a winning campaign. Together we can protect the change our Government continues to lead and keep fighting for a more equal and fair New Zealand. Please donate today. Thank you.

I have a “progressive vision” for my financial contribution to Jacinda’s campaign. I will set up a working group to look into how much I can afford to donate. In a year’s time when a conclusion is hopefully reached I will then hold a referendum to find out what percentage of BFD readers agree with the amount that the working group has suggested that I donate. I will then ignore the conclusion of both the working group and the referendum and will decide that since the election is already over it would be a bit silly for me to donate anything. Don’t laugh…that is how a progressive vision actually works.

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