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Related: Bridges on The AM Show in May. Credits: Video – The AM Show; Image – Getty / Supplied.

It is clear that National has chosen Law and Order as a key platform going into next year. Yesterday not one but six of their press releases were about Law and Order. The memo has gone out, everyone has got on board and they will be riding the issue hard into election year.

NZ First will no doubt keep riding that old reliable chestnut, Immigration, and ACT is racing ahead, perched on top of a racehorse called Free Speech. National have saddled up their thoroughbred called Gangbuster and are heading down the track at breakneck speed!

Painting Labour as Crim Cuddlers and National as the party of Law and Order is a good strategy, and it never hurts to put the boot into gangs to up your ratings.

The only misstep so far that I can see is putting the boot into beggars. Yes, none of us want to have them hanging around outside businesses or sleeping in business doorways, but if they are moved on, we expect them to be given a safe place to sleep, help and, if necessary, food. While some are charlatans, others have genuine mental health problems and are only on the streets because, many years ago, an uncaring government shut down all the institutions and left them to their own devices. Many have addiction problems or have nowhere to live, and they need help, not punishment.

Simon Bridges, leader of the opposition and MP for Tauranga has “respectfully suggested” the city council play hardball with beggars and homeless who violate the bylaws by charging them and taking them to court.
“The council’s being told every day its begging bylaws are unenforceable. Well I say take them to court.

While National supporters will lap up Simon Bridges playing hardball with gangs I am not sure if they will equally enjoy him playing hardball with beggars. What do you think? Is taking a homeless, broke beggar to court a good idea?
