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National’s Plan for Corrections Assaults Doesn’t Go Far Enough

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Darroch Ball
Sensible Sentencing Trust

The National Party’s ‘five-point plan’ to curb the rise in inmates assaulting prison officers doesn’t go far enough and continues to ignore the Corrections Association’s plea for the introduction of harsher penalties, says Darroch Ball co-leader of Sensible Sentencing Trust.

“Although National’s Corrections spokesperson Simeon Brown has tabled a plan that is moving in the right direction, it still hasn’t taken the biggest, most effective step, which would be to promise to bring in harsher sentences for these attacks.”

“Without a plan to come down hard on these attackers, having more police prosecutions will do nothing but create more paperwork.”

“Corrections Association President Alan Whitley has continuously pointed out the desperate need for these offenders to be held to account and for adequate sentences to act as deterrents.”

“The obvious frustration comes when inmates who bash officers either don’t get prosecuted, end up with pathetically weak sentences or have those sentences ridiculously being served concurrently.”

“National’s plan to reform the internal disciplinary regime, improve frontline safety, and review PPE suitability are steps in the right direction – but will do very little to curb the serious assaults our corrections officers are facing.”

“The suggestion to trial tasers would only be for specialist teams and not for general issue – which would obviously be of little help for random violent attacks on frontline officers.”

“National has a chance to show a clear alternative plan, but this entire ‘five-point’ plan just has a Labour-like hue to it,” says Mr Ball.

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