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Did it ever occur to them that Americans are tired of this race-baiting garbage? The BFD.

How woke do you have to be to break one of the biggest sporting franchises on the planet?

Just ask LeBron James.

Having chugged the BLM Kool-Aid by the gallon, James has been on a Crusade of Wokeness apparently designed to outdo Colin Kaepernick, Alyssa Milano and Greta Thunberg rolled into one, great, triggered snowflake of social justice. The irony of one of the richest, most privileged people on the planet finger-wagging ordinary shmos about their privilege is obviously lost on someone whose only talent is to put a ball through a hoop.

Perhaps a sharp hit to the hip pocket will smack these wokesters to their senses. Major sports franchises run on money. Money is earned through bums on seats and TV sets tuned in. Take that away and the administrators might start to see big-mouthed ignoramuses as a liability.

Did it ever occur to them that Americans are tired of this race-baiting garbage? The BFD.
Hoo boy.

The NBA Finals opened last night with megastar LeBron James and his Lakers clashing with his former team, the Miami Heat. With the biggest basketball star in the world playing and the entire planet legally mandated to stay at home, bored as heck, you’d think there would be more viewers than ever before. Just MONSTER ratings, you would think.

You would be wrong.

There were fewer viewers than ever before.

Down 45 PERCENT from last year. The lowest ever viewership since they started tracking it in 1994.

Okay, that’s just the first game of the finals. Surely, the excitement of finals season will see viewership pick up next week?

I told you three days ago that Game 1 of the NBA Finals — even with the biggest superstar in the game playing (along with fellow star Anthony Davis) — was the least-watched NBA Finals game in history.

Not anymore.

Game 2 ratings are in and hoooooo boy. Viewership cratered 68 PERCENT since last year’s Game 2.


Game 2 is NOW the least-watched NBA Finals game in history.

Probably until Game 3.

I wonder what could be to blame for this horrific and historic collapse?

It’s almost as if ordinary Americans aren’t prepared to watch their country denigrated and themselves smeared as irredeemable racists, week in, week out, by ignorant multi-millionaires.

Gillette, ESPN, the Oscars, Marvel…dozens of companies have learned the hard way what it means to “Get Woke, Go Broke”.

Hold our soy lattes say the NBA.

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