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Nepotism in Appointments for New Health Boards

Image credit The BFD.

Andrew  Little has announced his appointments for the new health boards, including the race-based Maori Health Authority that will have veto rights over every other New Zealander’s health outcomes:

The Government has announced the interim boards of Health New Zealand and the Maori Health Authority.

The Government announced it would abolish all 20 District Health Boards and create a single health organisation, in a sweeping plan to centralise New Zealand’s fragmented healthcare system and end the “postcode lottery” of care, in November.

The interim board members will help create the structure of the new entities with the new system to start on July. Legislation on the changes will be introduced next month.

There are eight interim board members for Health New Zealand, including former National MP Amy Adams. The board will be chaired by Rob Campbell, who Health Minister Andrew Little said is a professional director with extensive union, public and private sector governance experience.

Two of its members are medically trained.

The Maori Health Authority will be led by Sharon Shea, chair of the Bay of Plenty District Health Board, and Tipa Mahuta, the deputy chair of the Counties Manukau District Health Board. It has a total of eight board members. Shea will also sit on the Health New Zealand board.

Little said Thursday’s announcement was another step towards “a future health system where everyone has access to consistent, high quality health services when and where they need it”.

What Stuff and other media have failed to mention is that Tipa Mahuta is actually Nanaia Mahuta‘s sister. Nepotism writ large. Labour has shown again that their hypocrisy knows no bounds after they complained about the appointment of Bill English’s brother Mervyn English to the State Services Commission. Grant Robertson made a big fuss at the time, yet remains notably silent this time around.

The party nepotism goes further with the additional appointment of Labour minister and union bovver boy Vui Mark Gosche. I had a run-in with him many years ago when he was boss of whatever the hotel workers union was called back then. I crossed his picket line and he assaulted me to try to stop me from going to work.

Peeni Henare should also get the George Orwell award for Newspeak due to his logical gymnastics ability.

Associate Health Minister Peeni Henare said the new Maori health authority would be a “game changer for our people”.

“It’s not about creating a separate system for Maori,” he said.

Our people?  Not about creating a separate system for Maori?

Do people like Peeni Henare really believe that establishing a separate board, with a separate title, that specifically is named the Maori Health Authority isn’t really about creating a separate health system for Maori?

Why is a separate organisation, complete with a board, needed, if not to create a separate system?

My last comment is about Amy Adams popping up with an appointment from the Labour Government. Always a wet, she announced her resignation when Simon Bridges was the leader of National, then announced she would stay and be promoted under Todd Muller. That lasted less than two months with her reinstating her resignation after the wet wing drowned in a puddle of their own making. And now, she does what Labour-lites do, takes a cushy sinecure position, in order to give the Government the thinnest veneer of bipartisan appointments. She’s in the same category as Jim Bolger and Chester Borrows. National certainly dodged a bullet when they didn’t choose her and her wet pals to lead the party.

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