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New Poll Shows Increasing Opposition to Mandate

polling station poster on clear glass door
Photo by Elliott Stallion

Gary Moller

Gary is a Health Practitioner who is focused on addressing the root causes of ill health or poor performance rather than just treating the symptoms.



Omicron is now sweeping through New Zealand, at long last and not a day too late. We need this mild infection to sweep through the healthy population while protecting the unhealthy so that we achieve natural herd immunity quickly and to get this completed before Winter sets in.

The vaccine does not work because it does not protect a person from infection and it does not prevent transmission. So what is the real intention of injecting 100% of people, including babies and the unborn several times over for an infection that is so mild for a healthy person that they may not even realise they have it?

It is time to cut the fibbing:

Here is what one of my clients has to say about Omicron. His family uses a health-based strategy for protection instead of injecting themselves and their three children with a gene-altering drug. An infection, presumably Omicron, went through the family last week:

“I will say if it is covid it is the biggest letdown I’ve ever experienced. Two years of constant attention and huge $$$ spent for a sore throat and a bit of a cough. It wasn’t even enough to knock me into bed.”

It might not have been Omicron, but I’d say it was. The family neither reported it nor did they test for it, instead they stayed at home for a week.

Here is what a mother wrote about her two sons:

“Lost their jobs as punishment for refusing the kool-aid. It’s not about health anymore”.

Omicron cases are grossly under-reported. When a worker gets an infection that may be Omicron, here is what businesses are doing, to quote one office manager:

“It is not official policy, but we all know to stay away from the office and work from home for a week, even if it is only a sniffle, and to keep quiet about it”.

You see, a case of Omicron with all the fuss and isolation of close contacts that ensues may ruin a business that is already struggling to be viable.

Polling confirms what people are telling me:

More people than ever are getting sick and tired of this silly game. It is time to sound the full-time hooter so we can all go home and get back to being happy, caring and freedom-loving people.


Hi Gary

We’ve just released some significant new polling. See below.


Family First Media Release 18 February 2022

A new nationwide poll has found increasing opposition for the “no jab no job” mandates, increasing support for rapid antigen testing for unvaccinated kiwis so that they can keep their job, and 1 in 3 vaccinated Kiwis saying that the vaccine mandate or pass requirements was a large factor in their decision to get vaccinated.

In the poll of 1,000 New Zealanders surveyed by Curia Market Research commissioned by Family First NZ, respondents were asked: Do you support or oppose an employer being able to sack a staff member, purely because the staff member has not had a Covid-19 vaccine?

Only 39% support an employer being able to sack an unvaccinated staff member, down from 50% in a November 2021 poll by Curia. Opposition has increased from 31% to 38%. A further 23% were unsure / refused to say.

Half (52%) of those triple vaccinated support employers being able to sack unvaccinated staff. Only a minority of double or single vaccinated respondents support such a measure.

Respondents were then asked: Do you think employees who do not wish to have a Covid-19 vaccine should be able to keep their job, if they instead agree to have a regular rapid antigen Covid-19 test?

61% (almost 2 in 3) support unvaccinated employees being able to keep their jobs if they agreed to have a regular rapid antigen Covid-19 test – up from 58%. 23% were opposed – down 4%.

Interestingly, there was still strong support from those triple (55% support v 32% opposition), double vaccinated (66% v 11%) and single vaccinated (74% v 26%).

It is important to note that previous polls have focused on mandates for specific so-called “high risk” workforces. The 1News Colmar Brunton Poll last November showed 74% supported the mandate that impacts teachers, health care workers, port, border, and prison workers only.

The Talbot Mills Research poll last October found 79% agreed with a vaccine mandate for health workers, while 72% agreed to one for teachers.

The Horizon Poll released today also fails to make the distinction between wide-spread mandates and specific high-risk frontline workers. But this Curia survey asks about society-wide mandates which are affecting all workforces. The mandate is also affecting other events such as church attendance, weddings and family interactions, and even children’s sports. Respondents were also asked about their motivation for having the vaccine.

They were asked: Noting you have had at least two vaccinations shots, I’d like to read out a list of potential reasons why you got vaccinated, and for each one please tell me if that reason was not at all a factor in getting vaccinated, a slight factor, a moderate factor, a large factor or the main factor:

* To protect your own personal health

* To protect the health of other people

* Because you would be unable to enter most shops, bars and cafes if you were unvaccinated

* Because you would lose your job if you were unvaccinated

The results suggest that only 70% to 75% of those vaccinated did so primarily for health reasons. Around a third (1 in 3 Kiwis) of those vaccinated said vaccine mandate or pass requirements was a large factor in their decision. 14% said the ‘no jab no job’ mandate was the main factor, and a further 17% said it was a large factor.

Respondents in the three metro cities are more likely to have got vaccinated due to vaccine mandates and passes. As expected, the older the respondents, the more likely they got vaccinated for health reasons.

The pollster also notes that 80% of those triple vaccinated say they did so for health reasons while only 54% of those double vaccinated. This suggests not all double vaccinated will get a booster shot.

With what we now know about the Omicron strain evading both vaccinations and immunity, transmission and the importance of testing, and the likely impact on workplaces throughout New Zealand, we’re continuing to call on the Government to allow the use of COVID rapid antigen testing as an alternative for unvaccinated kiwis.

Kind regards.

Bob McCoskrie, Family First

Read the Full Poll Results Here:


This, and other results show that the worm is turning: people are realising that these vaccines and mandates are causing immense harm to people’s health, the economy and our way of life and they want them gone. So, about 30% of New Zealanders now want the mandates gone: it will be 40% by next week.

It Is Time We Adopted a Health-Based Strategy

Why are we wasting millions more dollars that we don’t have on mass testing for a mostly mild upper-respiratory infection? Instead, let’s invest in health promotion and let the virus rip through the healthy population.

Here’s some health advice for you and your family, which is a lot more effective than lockdowns, upending lives and businesses, stressing people to High Heaven and wasting billions of dollars:


The Titanic Is Going Down!

Ironically, and much to the amusement of the protesters at Parliament, the Speaker of the House, Trevor Mallard, has been playing an annoying version of the theme music for the Movie, Titanic! The titanic narrative that lockdowns and experimental gene-altering drugs are saving us from doom is crumbling and the rats are abandoning ship. Actually, the rats are turning on each other as they see it is almost over for them. The sooner this evil ship sinks, the better and the rats had better go down with it.

An update from the Freedom Village with lots of photos:
