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New Survey Proves How Out of Touch Media Really Are

The legacy media is religiously obsessed. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Nothing shows how out of touch with their own audience the legacy media really are than their religious obsession with climate change. The legacy media incessantly pound their little pulpits with the zeal of tent-show evangelists, shrieking and hollering at the sinners and unbelievers. Like mediaeval popes, they rigorously forbid and punish heresy.

And everything, everything, is only ever seen through the cracked lens of the millenarian bat in their belfries.

But what of the average New Zealander?

Inflation and cost of living continue to be ranked as the most important issue facing New Zealand, a new report has found.

No wonder the legacy media’s audience reach is in free-fall.

These survey results should not, of course, surprise anyone. They’re entirely in line with years of research around the world. Everywhere on the globe, apart from the wealthy, inner-city suburbs that are the natural habitat of the legacy media hack, people say the same thing: climate change is not a first, second, or third-order issue. In fact, it’s regularly ranked last of all the issues the UN surveys.

The last is a point which must be emphasised: in the UN’s survey, respondents don’t nominate their own issues. They’re presented with a list of 16 issues the UN wants them to prioritise. Climate change is one of them — and it’s put last, every time.

It’s also ranked last by all countries, rich and poor alike.

Ordinary people around the world simply don’t share the media obsession with climate change. The BFD.

Real people, in the real world, are focused on real issues, while the legacy media chase after sky dragons.

The Ipsos New Zealand Issues Monitor, released on Sunday, asks New Zealanders what they are most concerned about and analyses how this changes over time. A total 1002 respondents were interviewed online in February and were asked, among other things, what the three most important issues facing New Zealand today were.

Concern for inflation is 7 percent higher than the previous report released in September and is sitting at 65 percent, Ipsos said. Although concern for inflation is lower among people who are retired, at just 52 percent.

“Concern for inflation/cost of living continues to climb, with roughly 2 in 3 New Zealanders considering it to be a top issue they are facing today,” the Ipsos report said. “This is the highest level of any issue since surveying began in 2018.”

Housing and the prices of houses, as well as crime and law and order, are in second-equal place. The level of concern for housing remains unchanged since September’s report, still sitting at 33 percent, while concern for crime is up 2 percent to 33 percent.


Notice what’s missing from all that?

That’s right — the legacy media’s single greatest obsession.

No matter how much the media shriek and gibber about sky dragons, NZers have real issues to worry about. The BFD.

Even the weather-related disasters of the past month, which have whipped the legacy media into spittle-flecked hysteria about “climate change” even though the real cause — last year’s Tongan volcano which spewed gigalitres of water into the southern stratosphere — is well-known and its impact was well-predicted, has barely affected sensible New Zealander’s focus.

That’s because, unlike the pampered luvvies of the legacy media, ordinary Kiwis don’t have the luxury of incessantly jerking off about the boutique obsession of the wealthy Western elites.

There really is a Planet B — and the legacy media are living on it.
