Yesterday’s cyber-attack on New Zealand’s telecommunications network is a clear sign the Government has failed again to protect New Zealand’s cyber borders, National’s Digital Economy and Communications spokesperson Melissa Lee says.
“Alongside the recent drop of New Zealand in the United Nations ITU Global Cybersecurity Index rankings from 19 in 2017 down to 48 in 2021, we now have a clear message from malicious international threats that our nation’s cyber resilience is no longer fit for purpose.
“Alongside repeated attacks throughout the past 12 months such as the ransomware attack on Waikato DHB, the Reserve Bank data breach and countless strikes on Kiwi businesses, it is not good enough the Government has failed to keep our digital nation safe.
“Many New Zealanders working and learning at home today have lost countless productive hours. Businesses have been left high and dry. People suddenly found they could not pay or accept payments at short notice. There are families who will go hungry tonight because this Government could not keep our digital economy safe.
“Cyber-attacks are being launched on New Zealand businesses and families during a time when our digital borders need to be stronger than ever. The Government must stop fobbing Kiwis off and take immediate and comprehensive steps to act now.
“The cyber border is no longer just in danger – it’s under siege.”
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