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Photoshopped image credit Luke. The BFD.

This is an amazing example of how both Jacinda Ardern and the Auckland Chamber of Commerce think of Auckland businesses. Ardern says:

“She said the city had faced more than 100 days of lockdown and businesses and families had borne the brunt of the restrictions.”

So she announces a plan to give vouchers for people to use Auckland City Council facilities, to prop up a Council that never suffered anything at all, and that has not bothered to help businesses at all.

Dubbed “Explore Tamaki Makaurau this summer”, the $37.5 million reactivation package includes $12m in vouchers to attractions and discounts to Auckland’s council facilities, funding for events and food support.

Then she has a second stage of funds, supposedly to help other businesses this time, by giving money to businesses to operate free of charge to customers, i.e. to make sure that the businesses make absolutely no money:

“Businesses can register to be part of the Local Activation Programme to organise free events for the public and should use their imagination and creativity to make it work for them as part of their recovery after over 100 days of lockdown.

“The scheme shows that central and our local council are thinking laterally, beyond the critical resurgence, transition and wage subsidy support packages to look ahead to stimulate economic recovery and vitality in the city over summer.”

However, he acknowledged the scheme was not perfect.

“Hospitality is not included so it is up to businesses to seize the day and play their part in reactivating the city.”

NZ Herald

So to summarise, Jacinda Arden says that businesses have been the most affected, so she makes absolutely sure that they get nothing…and the Auckland Chamber of Commerce, as usual, says how wonderful Jacinda is and worships at her feet as businesses in the city get burned to the ground.

To add insult to injury, the unvaccinated are banned from using council facilities.

There really needs to be a rates and tax revolt against these discriminatory and unkind policies being promulgated by Auckland Council and the Government.

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The Left Ruined Everything

The Left Ruined Everything

The establishment left dragged the centre right so far leftward to the point that traditional conservative positions on anything were considered to be far-right. So why is the left, not the right, such a threat to the Free World?

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