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Now They’re Cancelling Martin Luther King Jr

Dr Martin Luther King Jr The_BFD
If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labelled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today

Thomas Sowell.

To prove the truth of Sowell’s observation, the left are expunging Martin Luther King Jr from the US history curriculum.

They’ve already condemned Abraham Lincoln, the president who ended slavery, as a “racist”, and Winston Churchill, who led the war to defeat Nazism, as a “fascist”. Posthumously un-personing MLK is the “logical” next step on their slippery slope of ignorant hatred.

Clarence Jones, former legal counsel and speech writer for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., sent a letter to California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom in which he expressed great concern for the new Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) that will potentially be taught in California schools.

King’s great crime? He wanted everyone to get along with one another, peacefully, regardless of skin colour.

“It is a fact that the Black Freedom Movement of the 1950s and 1960s under Dr. King’s leadership transformed our country, overthrowing a history of Jim Crow segregation and white supremacist terror throughout the confederate states.” He added, “This fact, which I had thought was well known to all educated persons, has been removed from the ESMC.”

Clarence Jones continues his frustrations by noting the omission for the new curriculum was “deliberate.”

Instead, the left only want children to be inculcated in the violent ideologies of black racists.

The new curriculum removed the historical teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., including his calls for non-violence.

“Most offensive of all, the only external source provided to teachers in a reference guide, in the exhibit B, Sample Lesson 4: ‘Black Lives Matter and Social Change’ is an article that denigrates the struggle of Dr. King and the Black Freedom Movement of the 1950s and 1960s”

Instead, the left-approved curriculum denigrates one of the great figures of American history as some kind of servile “house boy”.

Clarence Jones strongly condemned the curriculum writing, “This analysis promulgates defamatory falsehoods. There was nothing ‘passive’ or ‘docile’ about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. or any of the leadership for the nonviolent movement for Black freedom and human rights in the United States.” He added, “It is morally indecent and deeply offensive to learn that this distorted narrative is being held up by the State of California as a model for teachers of Black studies.”

The ESMC omitted important historical facts about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s nonviolent Civil rights movement and glorified those who advocated for Black Nationalism and violence for students.

“I write in a plea for moral reasoning and decency, and for a respect for truth and accuracy in teaching the history of transformative social movements to our students.”

The Post-Millennial


As they have since the 1960s, the radical white far-left prefer to fetishise violent black racists.

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