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Now They’re Coming for Your Gravestones

Erasing the Dead is the Communist Way. The BFD.

The ferocity and vicious stupidity of the New Cultural Revolution just keep snowballing. Not content with smashing statues and banning books and tv shows, the New Red Guards have turned their sights on…gravestones.

The headstones of two music hall singers at a cemetery in the UK have been covered up with wooden pallets and trash bags to hide “offensive” language.

“The gravestones of G H Elliott and Alice Banford, who both wore blackface, are now covered at St Margaret’s Church in Rottingdean,” reports BBC News.

The Archdeacon for Brighton said efforts were underway to contact family members in order to have the inscriptions changed.

Why don’t they just do what totalitarians usually do with “offensive” gravestones: smash them up. Maybe use them as paving stones.

This is what totalitarians do with gravestones. The BFD.

The Archdeacon gives every impression of being a shiver looking for a spine to run up.

“I find the inscription on these two headstones deeply offensive and am sure that the vast majority of people would agree and would want it changed,” said Archdeacon Martin Lloyd Williams.

“Over the last few months, investigations have been underway as to the legal and other considerations around seeking a solution, not least seeking to identify and contact the next of kin who own the headstones,” he added.

But if the Archdeacon is spineless, there are primitive flatworms with stronger backbones than the BBC.

Erasing the Dead is the Communist Way. The BFD.
A BBC report on the the story was too petrified to even name the word that was so offensive.

The term in question is the word “coon,” which is engraved on G.H.Elliott’s gravestone. His stage name was “The Coloured Coon”.

During a BBC Radio 4 show last week, host Nick Robinson had to apologize after one of his guests used the “racial slur” on air.

After comedian Harry Enfield uttered the word, Robinson intervened, to which Enfield responded, “Well, that was his name on stage.”
The BFD.

Just wait till they get to the Dairy aisle in an Australian supermarket. Guess we better ban Jeff Koons’ artwork from the galleries, too. Horror/thriller author Dean Koontz is probably safe for now – but they’re sure to get around to him, too, eventually.

The statue of Winston Churchill in central London remains imprisoned inside a gray box despite Prime Minister Boris Johnson asking, “What has the world come to when one of this country’s greatest-ever leaders – perhaps our greatest – has to be shielded from the wrath of the mob?”

Anyway, we all know what happens when radicals get offended by gravestones.

Hateful radicals were offended by these gravestones, too. The BFD.

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The battle for freedom is here, and it’s now, and we must do what we can. That means we seriously need to look at our immigration policies. We need to wake the hell up, because we are letting the enemy of our hard-won freedoms literally walk in through the front door.

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