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NZ Politics Daily: 25 September 2024

Republished with Permission

Author: Bryce Edwards

Eloise Gibson (RNZ): 
Gas industry boasts about killing proposed ban with lobbying
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Post): Greens vow to revoke new oil and gas permits, but Labour doesn’t appear on board
Ian Llewellyn (BusinessDesk): Oil and gas exploration ban repeal bill introduced (paywalled)
Jamie Ensor (Herald): 
Regional Development Minister Shane Jones of NZ First, calls Greenpeace ‘blood-sucking vermin’ after mining protest in Wellington
Prertoria Gordon (RNZ): Watch: Five arrested after anti-mining protesters scale Straterra office in central Wellington
Eloise Gibson (RNZ): Carbon neutral PR company put on 'F list' for promoting fossil fuels
Andrea Vance (Post): Fears government will overturn landmark ruling to protect coastline (paywalled)
Jem Traylen (BusinessDesk): 
Orange roughy decision could be a whopper for Fisheries Minister Shane Jones (paywalled)
Tess Brunton (RNZ): 
Proposed gold mine risks 'already established significant industries' - locals
ODT: Santana urged to withdraw fast-track consent request
Marty Sharpe (Stuff): Scientific paper calls for urgent review of forestry regulations
Marc Daalder (Newsroom): Three maps that reveal NZ’s climate future
Richard Davison (ODT): Contact claims inconsistencies in Ngāi Tahu stance (paywalled)
Geoff Fischer (Daily Blog): 
The future for forestry in Aotearoa
Joel Rindelaub (Newsroom): We need to reduce plastic use, not merely recycle it
Faith Jeremiah (The Conversation): From waste to power: How floating solar panels on wastewater ponds could help solve NZ’s electricity security crisis
Eloise Gibson (RNZ): Energy-hungry data centres want NZ's renewable electricity to reduce climate impact

Felix Desmarais (1News): 
Govt anti-smoking but 'not necessarily anti-nicotine' - associate minister
Krystal Gibbens (RNZ): Casey Costello under fire on links to tobacco industry, says govt still committed to Smokefree 2025
Glenn McConnell (Stuff): Doctors claim NZ First links to big tobacco during heated meeting with minister
Adam Pearse (Herald): Health experts grill Casey Costello, throw doubt on Smokefree 2025 being achieved
Matthew Littlewood (ODT): Dunedin Hospital Pathology Department set to march
Hamish McNeilly (Stuff): Student lobby vs booze giant
Tim Scott (ODT): Claims of ‘predatory’ marketing (paywalled)
Improving air quality brings health and economic benefits - report
Gabi Lardies (Spinoff):The crackdown on nangs, explained
RNZ: Tauranga denied bid to delay water fluoridation
Eric Crampton (Newsroom): Monkeypox, Medsafe, and monkey business
Rachel Thomas (Post): ED patient attempts 19km walk home at night due to long wait (paywalled)
Parkinson's, UTI treatments get funding boost

Te Aniwaniwa Paterson (Te Ao Māori News): 
Andrew Coster: The commissioner who tried to tackle bias in NZ policing
Stewart Sowman-Lund (Spinoff): Outgoing police boss hopes the role remains politically neutral
Luke Malpass (Post): The Covid Commissioner’s new role aims to stop people falling through cracks (paywalled)
Claire Trevett (Herald): 
Outgoing Police Commissioner Andrew Coster speaks out on being dragged into political debate, Minister Mark Mitchell has no regrets
Adam Pearse (Herald): No regrets for Police Minister Mark Mitchell over past criticism of Police Commissioner Andrew Coster
RNZ: What is the role of the Police Commissioner and who's in line for the top job?
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Newstalk ZB): I hope our next Police Commissioner is tougher on crime
RNZ: Andrew Coster has 'had a few difficult years', Police Association says
Katie Ham and Thomas Manch (Post): Coster resignation ‘not surprising’ says Police Assn (paywalled)
Sam Smith (Stuff): 
Police Commissioner Coster was called a ‘wokester’. He says he was serving the government of the day
Jo Moir and Craig McCulloch (RNZ): Police Commissioner Andrew Coster resigns, to head new Social Investment Agency
Sam Smith (Stuff): Police Commissioner Andrew Coster quits for new role
1News: Police Commissioner Andrew Coster leaving force for new role
Richard Prebble (Herald): Gang patch ban: Successive government policy failures have created today’s issues (paywalled)
Shanti Mathias (Spinoff): 
It’s the most common type of crime. But the government isn’t doing much about it
Julia Gabel (Herald): Government to introduce tougher sentences for offences against public transport workers

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World Class Tosh

World Class Tosh

If Harvey and Taylor genuinely believe that a waterfront museum filled with mythological nonsense will spawn a massive change of direction, then the asylum beckons and probably straitjackets for them both.

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