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It seems that Antarctica has not warmed for over 70 years. Oops.

Scientists are finding it difficult to explain why the continent of Antarctica has shown Net Zero warming for the last seven decades… and likely much longer.

[…] The Daily Sceptic reports: Under ‘settled’ science requirements, the significant debate over the inconvenient Antarctica data is of necessity being conducted well away from prying eyes in the mainstream media. Promoting the Net Zero political agenda, the Guardian recently topped up readers’ alarm levels with the notion that “unimaginable amounts of water will flow into oceans”, if temperatures in the region rise and ice buffers vanish. The BBC green activist-in-chief Justin Rowlatt flew over parts of the region and witnessed “an epic vision of shattered ice”. He described Antarctica as the “frontline of climate change”. In 2021, the South Pole had its coldest six-month winter since records began in 1957, a fact largely ignored in the mainstream. One-off bad weather promoter Reuters subsequently ‘fact checked’ commentary on the event in social media. It noted that a “six-month period is not long enough to validate a climate trend”.

We can’t have the plebs knowing any facts that go against the narrative.

A recent paper from two climate scientists (Singh and Polvani) accepts that Antarctica has not warmed in the last seven decades, despite an increase in the atmospheric greenhouse gases. It is noted that the two polar regions present a “conundrum” for understanding present-day climate change, as recent warming differs markedly between the Arctic and Antarctic.

The scientists note that over the last seven decades, the Antarctica sea ice area has “modestly expanded” and warming has been “nearly non-existent” over much of the ice sheet. NASA estimates current Antarctica ice loss at 147 gigatons a year, but with 26,500,000 gigatons still to go, this works out at annual loss of 0.0005 per cent. At current NASA ice loss melt, it will all be gone in about 200,000 years, although the Earth may well have gone through another ice age, or two, before then.

Of course all this doesn’t necessarily mean that the global warming isn’t real. There may be some other reason why Antarctica hasn’t warmed a fraction as much as global warming alarmists said it would. But the onus is on global warming alarmists to explain why.

Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof (or extraordinary evidence, as global warming can’t actually be ‘proven’). In addition, global warming alarmists not only have to show that the earth is warming, they also have to show that such warming represents an existential threat and that it is caused by human activity and that the only answer is to drastically reduce the amount of carbon we produce.

So far, apart from some evidence that the world has got warmer, I’ve seen no convincing evidence of any of the above.
