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Oops, He Broke an Electoral Law: Never Mind, No One Ever Enforces Them

Luxon ad

Over the years one thing has become painfully clear about New Zealand’s electoral laws. They are not worth the paper they are printed on because no one is ever held accountable for breaking them. The latest breach is likely to be no different.

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A Christchurch man who spent tens of thousands of dollars on a newspaper ad calling for Christopher Luxon to lead the National Party may find himself on the wrong side of electoral law.
The half-page ad appeared in the New Zealand Herald on Saturday, suggesting the outgoing Air New Zealand CEO should run for the National Party leadership for next year’s election.
It plays on Dick Frizzell’s well-known 1997 artwork Mickey to Tiki but shows John Key’s face transforming into Luxon’s.
Newshub tried to make contact with a ‘Steve Brooks’, an entrepreneur and businessman who was a self-made millionaire by 19 – but Brooks was nowhere to be found.

Wise move Steve; never talk to the media.

His Facebook page was emblazoned with support for Luxon to run for the National Party this morning. But by the afternoon, it was all taken down.

Oh dear, now Steve has made a big mistake. Never back down, and never apologise. Now they will claim that the take-down is an admission of guilt!

Political commentator Bryce Edwards believes the ad is illegal and a breach of the electoral act.
“Because you do actually have to get sign off from the National Party if you’re going to promote a National Party advertisement and that’s what this is, this is clearly promoting the National Party in terms of the 2020 election, it has the hashtag on it,” he told Newshub.
The Electoral Commission confirmed today its legal team will be investigating – particularly the authorisation issue.
And an Air New Zealand spokesperson said Luxon hadn’t seen the ad before Newshub enquired about it and had absolutely no knowledge of how it came about.
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“It indicates that I think there is some excitement on the political right about the fact that finally National might have inspiring or maybe electable leader because ever since John Key went, National has struggled with its leadership,” he told Newshub.


Yes, I am sure that the people on the Left of politics desperately want the public to believe that. They would much rather have a Labour-lite cuckoo in the National nest than to have to deal with a formidable politician like Judith Collins.


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